“Just go get ready for bed,” she ordered, no longer meeting his gaze. “We’ve got a long day in front of us tomorrow.”

When Ryder had finished in the bathroom, he wasn’t surprised to see her curled up on the floor, pretending to be asleep.

Fine, let her pretend.

He’d just pretend like he believed her and put her faking it butt up into the bed. Walking over to the bed, he pulled back the covers, as if he was about to climb in, then squatted beside her and slipped his arms beneath her.

“What are you doing?” she squealed as he lifted her from the floor.

“Tucking you in, Sleeping Beauty.”

“Put me down.” She wiggled in his arms.

“Planning to,” he assured her, setting her onto the bed, then pulling the covers over her body while she stared up at him a bit slack-jawed. “Goodnight, McKenzie. Sleep tight.”

She glared at him as if he represented everything wrong in her life.

Maybe he did since she was using him as a shield against having to face those things.

Reaching over, he turned the lamp light out, then took a deep breath.

He’d had to kill the light.

Because looking down at her, her eyes flashing green fire, her lips pursed in anger, his every instinct had been to kiss her.

To kiss her until she was breathless, and her anger burst into flames of desire.

To kiss her until she forgot about Clay.

And Paul.

Any every other man she’d ever cared about.

Ryder wanted to kiss her until she couldn’t think about anyone other than him.

His instinct wanted that kiss, wanted all those things, but he wouldn’t do any of those things.

The last thing he or McKenzie needed was another rebound relationship destined to end in disaster.

Lying down on the floor, he listened to her breathing go from loud, exaggerated huffs to calmer, even breaths, but he knew she wasn’t asleep.

What would she say if he reached up and took her hand into his? Would she smack it away? Or would she let him hold her hand the way he wanted to hold her?

“I have been dumped.”

Silence met his admission.

“I mentioned her to you on the plane. She and I were in Pittsburgh together. I knew she was just coming out of a bad relationship, but I got caught up in a whirlwind romance with her.”

Why was he telling her about Anna?

“I was crazy about her. When I started sensing her pulling away, I became more desperate to change her mind.” Pain slashed at his chest at the memories of how he’d been used. “Seems she’d started talking to her ex again. They were sleeping together, but she worried about ending things with me because of our research.” He paused, took a deep breath. “She resented that she felt she couldn’t end things with me and finally she admitted she’d only used me to get back at her ex.”

Ryder curled his fingers into his palms, pressing the tips deep into his flesh as he continued. “I was angry at her for not being honest with me. I hated myself for being so stupid and allowing myself to be used, and swore I’d never make that mistake again.”

He uncurled his fingers, let out a slow breath. “So, when you accuse me of not knowing what it feels like to be dumped, you’re wrong. I know all too well.”

McKenzie lay perfectly still in the bed, but he knew she’d heard ever word he’d said, that she was processing his admission.