“Daniel, it’s McKenzie Wilkes. I’m Reva’s cousin and a doctor. We’re at Jeremy and Reva’s wedding rehearsal dinner,” she told him to help ground him to where he was and hopefully help keep him calm. “You passed out and we called for an ambulance. The paramedics are here now. They’re going to take you to the hospital to be checked further to find out why you lost consciousness.”

“I’m okay,” the man mumbled low, garnering everyone’s attention at his whispered words and weak attempt at sitting up. “Just my chest feels heavy. Sharp pain.”

As if to confirm his words his hands went to his chest.

“Don’t try talking,” one of the paramedics advised, covering his mouth with an oxygen mask.

Quickly, they had an intravenous line in, and he was being rolled to the ambulance on a wheeled stretcher.

Jeremy’s aunt and a couple of other family members stayed close to the stretcher, planning to drive to the hospital. McKenzie and Ryder moved along with the stretcher as well, available in the unlikely case they were needed further, but far enough back as to not be in the way.

Most of the guests followed the procession, watching as Daniel was loaded into the ambulance and as it noisily took off with two cars of family members on its tail. Slowly, the guests began returning to inside the rehearsal dinner venue.

Once they were inside, everyone looked around at each other in an anticlimactic way of not knowing what to do next, their over joyous celebrating from earlier having taken a nosedive at Daniel’s scary episode. Did they all just pack up and go to the hospital? Or did they proceed with the rehearsal dinner and afterward plans as if nothing had happened to keep from spoiling Jeremy and Reva’s rehearsal?

Apparently knowing everyone would look to the bride for guidance, Reva took a deep breath.

Pride filled McKenzie as her cousin spoke.

“Anyone who wants to go on to the hospital, please do. No worries about us. As long as Uncle Daniel is okay, we’ll be fine.” She smiled at the crowd. “We’ll finish here, pack up the leftover food and send it back to Aunt Roberta’s house for anyone staying or visiting there to munch on over the weekend. Then, we’ll check on Uncle Daniel before we decide whether or not to cancel the rest of our plans.”

“Not our wedding plans,” Jeremy quickly clarified, shooting his bride-to-be a concerned look. “Regardless of what happens, those plans are noncancelable because I’m marrying you tomorrow.”

He lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss there.

A collective sigh resounded across the room, McKenzie’s included. Another ping of jealousy also hit her.

Had Paul ever looked at her that way? She wondered. With such love shining in his eyes?

If so, he hadn’t for some time.

She’d been so caught up with her career that she hadn’t noticed. Or maybe, she hadn’t wanted to notice that Paul was no longer enamored of her.

Nor had she noticed that she hadn’t been head over heels in love with him. She’d cared deeply for him, had been content with the life she’d believed they’d have together, but had she been with Paul to appease her worried family and fallen into habit rather than love?

When she got back to Seattle, she was going to find more balance in her life. Hadn’t she moved to Seattle because she’d loved walking along the pier? Loved feeling the wind in her face and the sea breeze filling her soul? Because she loved just meandering through Pike Place Market people watching and browsing the goods? And always she’d left with a huge bouquet that made her smile each time she saw it in her house? How long since fresh flowers had adorned her kitchen table?

That balance might not include Ryder or any man, but McKenzie planned to make a few changes, including making time to come back to Tennessee at least annually.

Ryder held out his hand toward her, leading her away from where the crowd lingered, discussing what had happened and how calm Reva was about the ordeal.

Glancing toward Ryder, McKenzie’s breath caught as it seemed to have started always doing when he came into view. Truly, he literally took her breath away.

Was it just him and his supersized pheromones that made her so aware of how much a man he was, how much a woman she was?

“Are you okay?”

McKenzie blinked at Ryder. “Yes, thank you,” she told him and meant it. She really was. Better than she’d felt in weeks. “How did it take me so long to notice what a good man you are?”

Probably because he’d avoided her, and his overt masculinity had made her uncomfortable when patient care required they interact.

“Good question and one I often ask myself. Let’s just be glad you finally noticed.”

No doubt his words were for their observers’ benefit, as were his next actions. He leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

Which left her confused. Had she purposely not acknowledged her attraction to Ryder due to her relationship with Paul? Because the uncomfortableness she always felt she now knew to be sexual tension.

She’d be lying if she didn’t admit to feeling electrified at where his lips had pressed against hers. And disappointed the kiss hadn’t been more than a swift peck.