“I feel guilty I monopolized you all day.” Reva’s painted lips pouted a little. “Then again, Ryder gets you all the time and this is the first time I’ve seen you in a couple of years so it’s only right he has to share.”

Point taken. McKenzie would do better on coming home for visits.

Especially now that she knew she could get through a flight without going into full panic attack mode.

“But, seriously, you’ve done your bridesmaid duty. Go eat your dessert with your guy and Mark,” Reva insisted, having caught McKenzie watching the two men talking and laughing together again.

“Sorry.” She glanced toward Reva. “You’re sure?”

Reva nodded. “Absolutely. We’ll catch up when this is over when we’re out on the town.”

“But we can’t stay out too late on the night before your big day,” McKenzie reminded her. She wasn’t tired at all, but knew she’d feel the time difference come morning.

“We won’t. But going out dancing for a couple of hours will be fun. Besides,” the bride assured her, “it’s not like I’ll sleep if I try going to bed early. Not when I’m so wound up.”

Probably not, McKenzie admitted, appreciating Reva’s okay to leave the bridal party table to go to Ryder and Mark.

“Care if I join you two for dessert?”

“You get kicked out of the wedding party already?” Ryder teased, pulling a chair over for her to sit next to him.

“I think they were worried about leaving you two alone too long and agreed I should come see what was so funny.”

Her brother’s eyes twinkled. “I’ve been telling him about that time you ran through the house naked at Christmas.”

“Ah, the infamous naked at Christmas story.” McKenzie scowled at her grinning brother. “I was two.”

“I might have left that detail out,” he admitted, not looking a bit remorseful.

“Ignore ninety-nine percent of what he tells you.” McKenzie turned to Ryder. “Are you okay with going to the Wild Horse Saloon? Reva wants the whole gang together for one night of fun on the town, even if for just a couple of hours.”

Ryder’s eyes lit with surprise, but he nodded. “What’s a trip to Nashville without a visit to a honky-tonk?”

“Do you line dance?”

Ryder shook his head. “Is it a deal breaker if I say no?”

“Not really,” she admitted. Paul had been a lovely dancer, but they’d danced only when attending social events that just happened to have dancing.

“Is Callie still single?” Mark asked. “I noticed her looking this way several times.”

“I think so.” After all, she had been drooling over Ryder. “But it wasn’t you she was looking at.”

Mark’s gaze met hers and he grinned. “That jealousy I hear in your voice? Afraid she’s going to move in on your man?”

“No,” she assured him, her chin lifting in defiance of his claim. “Why would I be jealous?”

Why indeed? Because her brother knew her too well and had called her out on it. Right or wrong, she was jealous at the thought of Callie making advances on Ryder.

Ryder reached out to take her hand. “You know, I’m not interested in anyone but you,” he added, lifting her hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to her fingertips.

Although she knew the gesture was just for show, electricity shot through her as she stared into his eyes.

Electricity and a desire so strong for his words to be real that her knees weakened. Pretend boyfriend Ryder was better than any real boyfriend she’d ever had.

If only he really was her boyfriend and had meant what he’d said.

He didn’t, but she was thankful he was here, that his generosity had given her a peaceful visit home.