He laughed and McKenzie’s mouth curved upward as sleep took hold with the sweetest dreams filling her mind.

* * *

Someone was in the shower, singing.

The thought hit McKenzie as she rolled over in bed and let her arm flop over the side.

When her hand came into contact with warm flesh, her eyes flew open at the same time as she jerked her hand away.

Where she was, who she was with, whose warm flesh that had been, registered instantly.

“Good morning to you, too.” The man she’d just hit chuckled from the floor.

Glancing at Ryder over the edge of the bed, she wrinkled her nose. “Morning.”

“Sounds as if someone’s having a good morning,” he mused, stretching his arms up over his head, pulling his T-shirt tight over his chest and abs.

McKenzie squeezed her eyes shut and fell back against her bed. This was a new day and she wasn’t letting her mind go to where it had been as she’d drifted off to sleep.

Ha. She was pretty sure her mind had been in an orgasmic sexual dreamworld with Ryder all night.

“Sounds like my cousin Jeff.” If anything could get her mind off sex it was thoughts of her cousin Jeff.

“You have a big family?”

“Big enough.” Which really wasn’t much of an answer, she realized. “My dad and mother both had a sister apiece, so I’ve a few cousins and extended family. Most live around here, but a few of us have escaped.”

“You seemed happy to see your mother.”

“I was. I am,” she corrected. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been home. I guess you figured that out last night.”

“Because you don’t like flying?”

“Among other things.”

“I want to ask...”

“But you’re not going to because you know I’m not going to answer,” she cut in, sitting up on the side of the bed. “Is it really morning? Because I just want to sleep a few more hours.”

“Makes sense since we’re in a different time zone.”

“Quit being all logical.”

“Fine.” H

e grinned. “I’ll be illogical.”

“Ha. I think you covered that when you agreed to come with me this weekend.”

He shrugged. “It’s not been bad so far.”

“Besides the near panic attack and having to sleep on the floor,” she teased, appreciating his comment that it hadn’t been bad more than she should.

“Besides those things,” he agreed, still grinning as he let his gaze run over her.

Self-conscious of her first-thing-in-the-morning appearance when he looked so amazing with his sleep-tousled hair and quick smile, McKenzie frowned. “What?”

“Just taking in the real McKenzie.”