Tingles ran up and down her spine. Tingles all over her.

Any moment she was going to throw back the covers and invite him to join her there.

“True, but you’re very tempting.”

“Are you saying you want me?” How she found the nerve to ask, she wasn’t sure, just that the question spilled from her lips. Her gaze remained locked with his as she waited for his answer.

Looking way too sexy for a man sitting on a makeshift bed on the floor, he hesitated only a moment. “I’m not saying I don’t. But I won’t have sex with you this weekend, McKenzie. You’re just out of a long relationship, this is pretend and neither of us want it to be real.”

He’s wrong, she thought. She did want it to be real. Real enough that he climbed into her bed and... McKenzie’s cheeks heated.

Or maybe it was the visions that danced through her head at his “normal sexual urges.”

Goodness, he must give off some major pheromones because she so didn’t think like this. This looking at a man and wanting him to give in to his “normal sexual urges” and touch her.

Especially a man she barely knew.

And worked with.

And who always made her jumpy.

Maybe because he was a sexy beast and she just hadn’t added up that it was the sexual vibes he gave off that made her uneasy. Sex was good, but not something she’d ever dwelt upon.

The heat in Ryder’s eyes said he didn’t feel the same.

Sex mattered in Ryder’s world.

Looking at him, sex mattered in McKenzie’s world, too.

Realizing he was probably giving up a highly sexed weekend to accompany her, McKenzie made a mental note to buy him a bottle of his favorite wine when they got back to Seattle.

Because as flustered as he had her hormones and mind, he was right. They shouldn’t have sex.

But she wanted to.

And that knowledge blew her mind.

Trying to clear her head, she stared at him, wondering how she could have ever been around him and not registered how charming his grin was.

“You’re right. Neither of us want a real relationship and won’t be having sex this weekend.” She climbed into her bed, pulled the comforter free, and tossed it on the floor, leaving only the sheet to cover herself. With as heated as she currently felt, that should be plenty. “Now you have something to cuddle with.”

From the floor, he chuckled, the sound of which continued to warm her insides all toasty in ways she really didn’t like. Pretend boyfriends were not supposed to make their pretend girlfriends feel toasty.

“Night, McKenzie.”

Lying in her bed from her teenaged years with Ryder lying on her floor seemed surreal, but no more so than the fact he’d kissed her on the plane. Or that she’d looked at him and had a visual flash of having sex with him.

“Goodnight,” she whispered, closing her eyes and thinking her mind might be racing too much to sleep.

And that if sleep did come, she prayed it wouldn’t be filled with dreams of the man on the floor next to her bed.

“Sweet dreams.”

“Stop that,” she ordered without opening her eyes.

“What?” he asked, all innocent, as if he hadn’t just read her thoughts again.

“Talking when I’m trying to sleep.”