Ruby looked up from where she was wrapping a gift. “Any luck on getting a location out of either of the happy couple?”

“I have Sheriff Roscoe on it,” Maybelle assured. “But so far, he says Bodie isn’t talking.”

“I can hear you,” Sarah called from a nearby table where she placed wrapped gifts into large plastic bags labeled with each child’s name and address.

“We know, child,” Rosie assured. “We’re hoping if you hear us bring it up enough, you’ll feel bad and tell us.”

Sarah gave her friends an amused look. “I don’t know where we’re going, so you won’t be getting any information from me.”

Sophie smothered a smile.

“And good luck on getting a clue from Bodie,” Sarah told them. “His lips are sealed, and not even the Butterflies can get him to crack, because as much as he loves you all, he doesn’t want you accompanying us on our honeymoon.”

Maybelle harrumphed. Rosie snorted. Ruby just smiled. Aunt Claudia was still talking about her upcoming trip to Greece even though no one was really listening.

“Is this everything?” Maybelle asked when she picked up the last toy. “We’ve still got the foster kids from Triple B Ranch. We’ve not crossed any of them off our list.”

Sophie’s stomach plummeted. Rather than divvy up the gifts they had, leading to them being more thinly spread, Sophie had decided to proceed as normal, then see what was still needed. She’d hoped more toys would come in, that her estimates would prove to be much lower than the reality and there would be plenty for all.

With a sinking heart and her eyes threatening to spill tears, Sophie stepped forward, then paused. No, she wasn’t giving up. She wouldn’t let those kids not have a Christmas. No way.

> “Not yet, but we’re working on more last-minute donations.” She would get them, too. Even if it meant going to every business in town and begging for additional contributions. Plus, she’d raffle off one of her quilts. She’d find a way. “No worries, Maybelle. Every child will have a gift and—”

The church community door opened and Cole, Andrew, Ben, and several other firemen came in carrying boxes and bags.

Huge, overflowing boxes and bags.

“What’s all this?” Sophie asked, her eyes still blurry with unshed tears, but her gaze not able to leave Cole.

She hadn’t seen him since they’d collected the last boxes and he’d told her he didn’t want to be her friend. Again.

Her stomach twisted at the memory.

Oh, how she’d missed this man who had come to mean so much to her so quickly.

And oh, how amazing he looked in his uniform as he said, “The rest of the donations.”

“These were at the firehall?” Sophie asked, stunned. Where had Cole and the crew gotten all the gifts?

“They’re from the fire department,” Andrew clarified. “There was a flurry of new items right at the end, thanks to a friendly rivalry on getting donations.”

Sophie fought choking up with emotion. The guys had bought these? Thank goodness Cole had tossed out that challenge, then. She wanted to hug them all.

“Perfect,” Maybelle praised, never having looked overly worried.

“This is wonderful,” Rosie clasped her hands together. “There’s more than enough for all the Triple B Ranch kids.”

“With extras in case we have last minute requests.” Ruby beamed at her grandson.

Sophie’s gaze stayed on Cole. He hadn’t looked her way, but she knew he was aware of her, was aware that she was watching him, that she couldn’t pull her eyes from him.

Seeing him was almost as wonderful as seeing the gifts they’d brought in.

Eventually, he met her gaze. Sophie smiled, holding her breath in hopes he’d smile back.

He gave a slight nod of acknowledgement, then looked away.

No. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t push her away.