“The way you were when we were sledding, or playing the game at Sarah and Bodie’s. Or while we were at the On-the-Square Christmas festival, or while we were decorating the tree. Or—”

“Let me stop you,” he intervened. “I told you in the beginning that I wasn’t interested in being your friend.”

“I—Yes, you did say that,” she admitted, her expression a mixture of uncertainty and stubbornness. “But I thought…Why would you say that? I mean, who doesn’t want more friends?”

“Me—I don’t. The way things are now is how they need to stay.”

“Says who? Because that’s not what I think you need.”

No, she thought he needed her to make a big deal of his past and wrap him in one of her blankets.

“I don’t need your emotional charity, Sophie. I’m just fine.”

She looked shocked. “I never said you weren’t fine.”

“But you think it.”

“Obviously, you have no clue what I think.”

“I heard you say you wanted to give me one of your quilts.”

Her jaw dropped open a little. “That’s what this is about?”

“You read my journal and rather than be disgusted as you should have been, you felt sorry for me instead, probably because of your father. You’ve made me into a pet project who you want to fix. Thanks but no thanks, Sophie. I don’t need or want anything you have to offer.”

Sophie grew quiet, then said in the most even tone he’d heard her use, “I can’t undo that I read your journal, Cole.”

“I’m not asking you to.” Although if he had it to do over, he’d have destroyed the book so no one could have ever found and read it.

“Then what are you asking of me? Because I don’t understand.”

Cole drummed his thumbs against the steering wheel, wishing he could magically transport himself anywhere other than sitting next to Sophie and having this conversation. “Nothing.”

“But…I…” Her breath caught. “‘Nothing’ doesn’t work for me.”

“This isn’t just about you.”

“Exactly,” she agreed, her expression stubborn. “It’s about us.”

“There is no us.”

“There should be.”

He shook his head. He didn’t even want to hear her say such foolishness. She still thought he could be fixed, but he knew better. His darkness would overpower her goodness and dim her light forever. He wouldn’t allow that.

Sophie deserved better.

She said, “If you’d only—”

He shook his head again. “Let’s just get through collecting these toys and see what we still need, okay?”

“I…you’re not really giving me a choice, are you? Even though this isn’t what I want, you’re going to push me away?”

“No, and yes.” For her own good.

“Then fine, let’s get through collecting these toys. But just so you know, I don’t agree with you and think you’re making a big mistake, because I like you, Cole. I really like you. And not because you’re a ‘pet project’ or because I feel sorry for you, because I don’t.” Her gaze narrowed. “Or, at least, I didn’t. Now, I guess I do because you’re pushing me away and, say what you will, I’m good for you.”

That had never been in question. The issue was that he wasn’t good for her.