She glanced around the church, wondering if he was there, then berated herself. She knew where he was—he’d told her. Cole was at the fire department, filling in so someone else could be home with their family. A hero to yet another family, although he wouldn’t see it that way.

But even though she knew where he was, she wished he was beside her, just as she’d wished the same thing every time she’d entered the church’s sanctuary since Cole’s visit.

She wished he was there, holding her hand and sharing her day.

She sighed, garnering a questioning look from her sister. The look turned knowing as Isabelle reached over, took Sophie’s hand and gave it a squeeze.

Sophie smiled back. No matter what, she was going to be fine. She had such an amazing family and friends. Life was good.

Even if Cole chose not to be a part of that good life.

Within minutes, Butterflies began walking down the aisle, one at a time, dropping flower petals as they did. Aunt Claudia, Ruby, a

nd then Rosie—who made dropping her petals more into a dance as she sashayed and waved at wedding guests—and then Maybelle, looking beautifully elegant.

When all four Butterflies stood at the front of the church on the opposite side of Bodie, Harry, and his best man, the music changed. Everyone stood, turning to look at the bride, including the dog.

“Wow,” Sophie breathed when Sarah and her father appeared in the entranceway.

“She’s a beautiful bride,” Isabelle whispered.

Sophie nodded, her gaze going back and forth between a giddily smiling Sarah whose arms were linked with her father’s as they made their way down the aisle and her groom who looked completely besotted at the vision his bride made.

It was clear that Sarah wasn’t seeing any of her guests. She only had eyes for the man waiting on her.

As Bodie only had eyes for Sarah.

What must it feel like to be loved like that? To know that you’d found a person to love you through thick and thin? Through the good and the bad? That the one who you loved, loved you back with all their heart?

“We’re gathered here today for the blessed union of my daughter and this fine young man. Her mother isn’t here, but she’d be so proud of the woman Sarah has become, as would my sister, her Aunt Jean. It is with great joy as her father that I give her in marriage to Bodie to be his wife.”

Sarah’s father spoke to the crowd, then handed her over to Bodie and changed role from father of the bride to the preacher performing their ceremony.

Sophie sniffled more than once as Sarah and Bodie exchanged their vows, especially when they knelt and Harry placed his paw upon their entwined hands.

Truly, Harry was the smartest, most perceptive dog Sophie had ever encountered. Unlike Stitches, who apparently preferred Isabelle over the person feeding him.

“I now pronounce you man and wife,” Pastor Smith told the couple, then looked at Bodie, all smiles. “You may now kiss your bride.”

Bodie kissed Sarah and a collective sigh sounded around the church, to be followed by a round of laughter when he lifted his head for a moment only to be pulled back into the embrace by Sarah.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my new son and my beautiful daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bodie Lewis.”

Sophie swiped away a happy tear rolling down her face as cheers and clapping resounded throughout the church building.

Hands clasped, smiles wide, Bodie and Sarah made their way down the aisle, followed by Lukas escorting Maybelle, then Harry leading the other three Butterflies from the church.

Sophie’s mom sighed. “What a beautiful wedding. I can’t wait until I get to throw one of you girls a wedding and see you that happy.”

Isabelle put her finger to her nose. “Not it.”

Rather than address what her mother had said, or even think about how it made her feel, Sophie rolled her eyes at her sister, then looked at her mother. “Sorry, but I’m afraid you may have a long wait ahead of you since neither of us are even dating.”

Her mother looked confused. “What about that nice fireman who sat with us a few Sundays ago? He was a cute thing.”

Cute? Even her own mother? Sophie sighed. “Sitting with us in church one time doesn’t qualify Cole as my boyfriend.”

“I was under the impression you spent quite a bit more time with him than just that Sunday.” Ah, mothers really did know everything. “Just so you know, I approve.”