“Then why would he let me pet him?”

Okay, so she was a little peeved that Stitches had been holding out on her while loving on Isabelle, but the pleasure on her sister’s face was enough to have Sophie smiling.

“Maybe it’s all that catnip-scented lotion you’ve been wearing.”

“I have not—” Isabelle countered before realizing Sophie had only been teasing her. “You’re just jealous because he likes me better than he does you.”

“That’s true,” Sophie admitted. “So much for loyalty. I mean, I’m the one feeding him, not to mention the one who got stuck in a tree trying to save him, and he chooses you to love on. Great.”

“At least we know he has good taste,” her sister teased.

Sophie snorted. “Yeah, right.”

“Unlike you.”

“Let up on Cole.”

“Because he’s the man of your dreams?”

He was the man of her dreams. Or at least, the man she dreamed of.

Because he might be done with her, but her dreams weren’t registering that, and he continued to star in all of them. Dreams where they laughed together, played together. Dreams where Cole looked in the mirror and saw the man Sophie saw.

A good man. A hero. Her hero.

Dreams where he looked at her and didn’t fight what was between them.

Because she wasn’t crazy. She’d seen how he looked at her, how he’d stepped outside his comfort zone—going sledding, going to church—for her. He hadn’t done that because he hadn’t cared. He did care, whether he’d admit it or not.

“My relationship with Cole is complicated,” she admitted. She and Isabelle had always talked about everything, but regarding Cole, Sophie had bit her tongue, knowing her sister’s bias.

“Because he’s former military?”

Sophie shook her head. “Cole being former military isn’t a problem for me.”

“I know that,” Isabelle assured. “I’m saying it’s a problem for him, which in turn makes it a problem for you.”

Not really surprised at her sister’s insight, Sophie glanced at her and nodded.

“I know he cares about you,” Isabelle continued, “but—”

“What?” Sophie asked, having been caught off guard by her sister’s comment. “How do you know he cares for me?”

Isabelle rolled her eyes. “Anyone can see that he’s crazy about you, but that’s—”

“You think he’s crazy about me?”

“Sophie,” Isabelle said in a completely exasperated tone. “You’re missing the point.”

“Which is?”

“That you shouldn’t be crazy about him.”

Sophie bit into her lower lip. “But what if I am anyway?”

Isabelle was silent for long moments, then said, “Then I pray God guides you in whatever decisions you make, and that you find true happiness in life. It’s all I’ve ever wanted for you.”

Cole made her happy.