An Oh wow, Sophie, this quilt is amazing and so are you.

Ha. Her imagination really was on overdrive.

Because the reality was, he’d gotten her gift—she knew he had because she’d texted Andrew to ask him, and the firefighter said Cole hadn’t even opened the present.

For all she knew, he’d gone home and started a Christmas bonfire with it. Because he didn’t want her gift, or her.

Sophie finished the pet bandana she was working on, reached for the next set of embroidered material she had already pinned together, and had just started to sew it when something tapped against the front door.

Panic hit her. She was at the shop. Alone. On Christmas night. Was someone trying to break in? Did bad guys knock?

Just as she was preparing to sneak behind the counter so she could go to Isabelle’s office and check the security camera, her phone rang.

“Oh!” She jumped, wondering if whoever was at the door could hear her phone, and scrambling to answer it, especially when she saw who the caller was.

“Cole?” she whispered as she answered, relief filling her that she’d at least be able to tell someone what was happening. “You may have to rescue me again. I—Someone is knocking at the shop’s door and I’m here alone and—”

“It’s me, Sophie. I’m the one knocking at the shop’s door.”

Cole was at the door?

“What are you doing here? You scared me.”

“Sorry. I figured Isabelle called you to let you know I was on my way from the moment I left your house.”

“Isabelle—you were at my house?”

“Sophie, open the door and I’ll tell you everything.”


Still holding the phone to her ear, Sophie walked to the front of the shop, amazed to see that Cole truly was standing at the door.

Even more amazing was what he was wearing.

She quickly undid the deadbolt and opened the door.

“What are you doing here? Dressed as Santa?” Then what he was holding registered. His quilt. His journal with her Christmas card stuck inside, and his Christmas tree. “Cole?”

“Can I come in?”

She stepped aside, letting him enter, then out of habit, made sure the door completely shut and turned the deadbolt.

“Locking me in?”

“I…sorry, habit.” She reached for the lock, meaning to turn it back, but he stopped her.

“I’m teasing, Sophie. Leave it locked in case your sister decides to interrupt.”


“She has a habit of interrupting us. Leave the door locked. We need to talk.”

“About?” Sophie didn’t point out that Isabelle had a key, just stared at Cole and the sight he made dressed in his Santa suit minus his eyebrows, wig, mustache, and beard, holding his presents and his quilt. The fire department must have had a Christmas party where he’d had to play Santa.

“My gift.”

Her gaze dropped to the stuff he held and understanding of why he was there hit. Her heart sank.