Page 25 of The Fall Groom

“Who’s all here?”

“Thought we’d have some friends over. We can cook out, and they can carry shit in.”

“You invited people over?” I ask, a bit shocked.

“You talked about having people over.” He gives me one of his classic shrugs.

“I did, but I didn’t think you loved the idea.”

“I love how excited you got about hosting a party at our home.” He smiles over at me.

“If there weren’t people here I’d jump you right now,” I tell him before I get out of the truck to go tell everyone hi.

Donovan has come so far, and I don’t think he realizes it. He’s willing to step out of his comfort zone for me. I know he’s told me he loves me, but the things he’s always doing for me show it every single day.

“This place is amazing!” Julie says, rushing over to give me a hug. I spot Tidas, Val, and Jacks standing on the porch.

“Will you show me the baby foal?” she asks, releasing me from the hug.

“Of course.”

“I think the guys can bring in all the stuff off the truck while we see the horses.” Val comes down the stairs, heading toward us.

“Did you ladies think we were going to let you all really move shit?” Jacks asks as he flicks an accusatory gaze over toward Tidas.

“Fuck off,” Tidas barks back at Jacks. He is always giving them shit about being city boys. It makes me smile how fast they have all become friends.

“Let me grab some apples real quick.” I dart inside to grab a bag.

“Put your boots on,” Donovan says, snagging me around my waist when I come back out the front door. He pulls me into him for a quick kiss. I see my boots in his other hand. He must have grabbed them when I went inside. I go to take them from him, but he drops down in front of me.

I brace my hands on his shoulders as he helps me put them on. Seeing him on his knee in front of me has me thinking about him one day asking me to marry him. I know it’s way too soon, but a girl can dream a bit.

“You Combs men are really gentlemen,” Julie says, earning her a smack on the ass from Jacks. “I never said you weren't. You go to your knees all the time.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

“Julie,” Jacks warns. And it’s not because Jacks has any shame about getting on his knees to please Julie. He doesn’t much care for the idea of anyone thinking about Julie in a sexual way.

“You’re good to go.” Donovan gives me another kiss and squeezes my ass before letting me go. “Be careful. We got a bit of rain last night. Might be slick.”

“I’ve been a country girl my whole life, city boy,” I tease, darting back down the stairs before he can grab me. “Come on. Wait till you see them,” I say to the girls as they both follow me back to introduce them to Ginger and Cookie.

“It’s beautiful out here. Do you think I could shoot some photos one day for my portfolio?” Julie asks.

“Of course.”

“Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask if you could do some pictures for my website. I need to update it. I haven’t since I took over the business from my mom,” Val says.

“Of course I will. I can use some of the pictures too. You want pictures of some of the new dresses you designed?”

“Yeah, I don’t need a ton, a few should be enough for now. Can you model one for me?” Val asks, looking over at me as I feed Ginger an apple.


“Yes, you,” she laughs pulling on the end of my braid.

“I’m always happy to help.”

“Awesome. We’ll make a day out of it. Next weekend work?” Julie suggests. “I want to do it while the leaves are still pretty.”

“Works for me,” I agree. “You want to be in a photoshoot?” I ask Cookie, thinking maybe I’ll snag a few pictures of them to put in the house since Donovan has tasked me with decorating our home. My heart warms thinking about how I have a home now with Donovan.

“We’ve got a date.” Val smiles excitedly.

I realize maybe I should have asked Donovan first, but I’m sure with a few kisses I’ll have him agreeing in no time at all.

Chapter Sixteen


It’s just beginning to change from afternoon to dusk and it’s now what Julie has said is the “magic hour.” I’m not sure what that means, but it’s beautiful on the property with the maple trees changing color and the sun casting an orange glow around the field.

Gracie went upstairs earlier and got changed into the dress Val brought. I made a point not to see it because Val threatened my life if I did. Instead, I stayed in the kitchen trying to do something to keep busy with everyone here. I’m still not completely comfortable with having a lot of people around me, especially when Gracie isn’t in the room to talk to them. But knowing how much her friends mean to her, I try not to think about it.