“He went downhill pretty fast after that. He lives here because he needs full-time care. And it’s…expensive. It’s one reason I desperately needed to be done on time. The delivery payment on the book won’t just take care of my own bills, I’ll be able to pay this place a couple years in advance, so I won’t have to worry about it.”

“That’s so kind of you.”

He shakes his head. “It’s not, really. But it's all I can do."

We sign in, and a nurse leads us down a hallway toward the room. He whispers, "I don't see him enough."

“It’s not a failure to not want to see someone that you love in pain,” I say.

“Thanks,” he says with a half-smile. “When I couldn’t write…I thought that maybe it was happening to me. I’m younger than my dad, obviously, but it was all I could think about. That maybe I was losing my mind and that I would never be able to write a book again.”

“Who’s out there?” a loud voice asks.

Malik ducks his head into the room and smiles at the nurse. “Hey, Dad. It’s me, Malik.”

“Malik. Well, I don’t know anyone named Malik, but that’s a nice name. Since you’re here, if you could get these nurses to give me some food that doesn’t taste like metal shavings, I’ll be your best friend.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” Malik reaches for my hand and pulls me in the door. “I want you to meet Erin.”

“Erin.” Malik’s dad goes still. For a second it looks like there’s a sharp lucidity in his eyes. But then it fades. “It’s nice to meet you. Have we met somewhere before?”

“I don’t think that we’ve had the pleasure.”

His dad gestures to one of the empty chairs. “Well, take a seat. I don’t get visitors that often. Or at least I don’t think that I do. My memory isn’t the best these days.”

I feel Malik tense. Of course, that’s going to hit home. It must be horrible to visit and not have your own father recognize you.

“Last time we talked, you told me about the chickens,” Malik says. “How’s that going?”

“Still manage to get out every night and Evelyn still makes me catch them.” He looks at me. “Evelyn is my wife.”

“I’m sure she’s lovely,” I say. “Even if she makes you catch chickens.”

His face lights up. “She’s incredible. Best thing that ever happened to me.” Suddenly, he stops and looks at Malik. “You know, you remind me of her in a weird way. You kind of look like her. Hope that doesn’t sound weird, comparing you to my wife.”

“Not at all,” Malik says. “That’s a huge compliment.”

I squeeze his hand. This must be so hard. Now I understand why he was so defensive when I first asked about the picture. This was something deep and vulnerable. And it was brave. And kind.

“You two are together?” his dad asks.

“Yes,” I say. “We are.”

He nods. “You make a good couple. I can feel it.”

“Thank you.” I pause, and then continue. “Malik told me that you were a writer.”

“Oh,” he waves a hand, “that was a long time ago. I don’t remember half the things I wrote.”

“I’m sure the half you remember is still great.”

Malik’s father smiles. “I had some good ones.”

“Will you tell me some?”

He points. “Tell you what. If you come back and visit me again, I will.”

“I’ll definitely be back.”

Next to me, Malik laughed softly. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

I don’t know why the way he says that makes me blush, but it does.

Malik turns to me, and his eyes are so serious that I’m shocked for a second. He’s still smiling though. “I wasn’t planning on doing this yet, but I can’t think of a better time or place.” He slips out of his chair and kneels in front of me. “I don’t have a ring, but I’ll take care of that later. Erin, will you marry me?”

My eyes go wide. “Malik—”

“Seeing you here with my dad…I just know. Not everyone would be this kind or this understanding. My parents were married for thirty years, and if she were still alive, I know they’d still be together. They got married a month after meeting each other.”

I glance at his dad, and his eyes are totally clear. Not the wandering gaze that he’s had for most of this visit. He smiles and nods when I meet his gaze. He knows. He knows who we both are, and he approves.

The way he looks at the two of us, with wistful love and memories in his eyes, it’s enough for me. A life unfolds in front of me. The two of us together, building a family and growing our careers. And it’s…everything.

“Yes,” I say, tears in my eyes. “I’ll marry you.”

Malik’s face lights up, and I see echoing tears in his father’s eyes moments before he kisses me.