I pause. “What the fuck do you mean, he’s not her father? And Patience? What?” Everyone is quiet, thankfully, because having to process everything that she just said requires no background noise. “I need to know everything, and it needs to be right fucking now.”

Another door slams from somewhere inside and we all turn to see who it is, only to find Saskia running straight for us. Her eyes are wild, her hair flying everywhere. Killian is instantly on his feet.

“Cartier!” she’s swiping the tears from her cheeks faster than my feet land on the ground. “She’s gone!”

Eli steps out from behind her, a somber look on his face. “I know where she is.”

“Motherfucker, what?” Rage is bubbling beneath my skin, and no matter how much I try to calm myself down, I know it’s only going to spill over the edge.

“It’s not fucking me, Ky! This isn’t anything to do with me. Well, it is, but it isn’t.” I stand, slowly making my way toward him.

King’s hand comes to my arm just as I’m a breath away. “Hear him out, bro, and don’t worry. We’ll get her back.”

I pull my arm out of his grip. “What? You’ve known why he’s here all along?”

King holds my stare. “Sit the fuck down so we can gather a plan. We’re lucky we have him.”

I turn to face both my parents. “And why the fuck do I get the feeling you know where she is, too.”

They both share a look.

“Don’t look at each other. I’m speaking to you right now. Look the fuck at me.”

Khloe—yeah, we’re going with Khloe now, not Mom—brings her eyes to mine. “Because her biological dad took her.”

“She’s also with Lilith, so she will be fine,” Eli adds quietly.

I laugh, tilting my head back before glaring at Eli. “It’s fucking humorous how much you think you know Lilith. Here’s a little story time. I’ve known her a lot longer than any of you. How, you ask? Well, Mom—wanna tell Dad?”

Eli shakes his head. “It’s more than that, and I’ve known her for a little while, too. Actually, more than known…”

The cell door slams closed in my face. The same commander I’ve known all of my life grins at me between the gaps. He pushes a cigarette between his crusted lips and lights the tip. “You’ll always be my favorite little bitch with issues, Lilith Patience.” He blows out a cloud of smoke. “Even if I’m going to have to kill you eventually.” From the corner of my eye, I notice the other guards who were with him long since gone.

Grinning, I untie the robe that’s keeping my gown closed. “Aww, come on, Gary. Don’t you want to come play with us?” I don’t bother looking back at Cartier. I lean forward, running my fingertip down his chest. “Bet we could show you a real good time.”

He chuckles, reaching for the cigarette in his mouth just as I yank him into the metal pole of the cell, spinning him around while tying my robe around his neck. I kick back on the cell wall, squeezing tightly as he reaches backward for anything to try to help him.

“Get the keys!” I yell at Cartier, knotting the rope from my robe around the pole to keep him standing upright. Once he’s finished fighting, his body turning limp and Cartier has the keys to the cell, I tie the rope in a cute little bow with a smile on my face. “Awww, Gary.” I lean forward as Cartier unlocks our cell. “Never trust a bitch with issues.”

Cartier twirls the keys around her finger as I step out of the cell. “You didn’t lock me in here?”

I search Gary’s pockets, taking his pistol and the army knife that’s tucked in his holster around his thigh. Shoving the gun into my panties—glorious attire, I know—I strap the holster around my upper thigh. “Nope. In fact, had your lovely brother taken a second to ask me, I would have told him—”

“—what?” Cartier asks, and I stand, taking a good look at her. “That you weren’t really working for Patience, the same organization that has raised you since you were a child?”

“Yes, Cartier, that’s exactly what I would have told him, because these fucking people have fucked with my head all of my life. I didn’t lose my humanity, they stole it.” Reaching into Gary’s pocket, I find his key card to gain access to all the rooms and another small pistol. I check the Glock and hand it to Cartier. She looks between the gun and me. I raise my brows. “If you try to shoot me, I will kill you. Your brother has pissed me off enough for me to hold a grudge for a lifetime, so your need to be alive isn’t exactly a priority to me.”