Kyrin looks at me over his shoulder, his eyes on mine. “No, Lilith. I hate that he’s dead, but I understand what he did.” He blinks, looking between me and the road. “I would have done the same.” Kyrin runs a hand through his hair, brushing it away from his forehead. “I spoke with Dominic Stranger.”

I visibly still.

Kyrin continues. “He’s Eli’s uncle. Not by blood, but was a close friend with Eli’s father before he died. He practically helped raise Eli. A few months ago, they caught wind that he was helping Patience by giving them his club.”

I nod, watching the trees pass as we return to familiar ground. “I know. It came back with some of my memories, too.” Kyrin continues to explain the situation with Stranger. A little while ago, The Kings found out that he was one of Patience’s hubs. They weren’t in bed with Patience or any of the shit they did, but they did offer us a “hub”. Patience didn’t bring outsiders into the real gritty part of business. The hubs were basically alibis and homes we could crash anytime we were in a foreign area. Eli was mad that Stranger had offered his club as a hub because he held him at a standard. Looked up to him for so long. Regardless whether he knew what Patience was doing or not, he hid that from The Kings so they cut ties with him. That night in the club, he knew the real reason why Eli was with us. He knew about the baby and everything. It explained why Eli was so tense.

I push past the raw memories of having him still beside me, unable to touch on them.

“Okay.” I swallow past the bile raising in my throat. “And what’s with the blood oath?”

“Kiznitch being dramatic.” Kyrin rolls his eyes. “The Four Fathers didn’t want it getting out until they had control and had spoken with The Kings. Don’t worry about that…”

“What?” My eyes shift between him and the baby sleeping peacefully in the back. “What does that mean?”

Kyrin growls, fisting his leather steering wheel. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Kyrin,” I snap. “Tell me.”

He shuffles in his seat, dropping the car down a gear and driving onto the on-ramp. “Blood for blood, Lilith. Don’t fucking stress about it.”

I pale, turning back to the road. I don’t think I have the brain frequency to take in this information. “We will figure this out later.”

As we pull up to The Village, my hand comes to Kyrin’s arm, halting him from driving farther. “I can’t go back there right now—maybe not ever.”

Kyrin turns to face me, and I know I don’t have to say anything further because he gets it. He understands. We both lost a lover, but we’re very fortunate to still have each other. And her.

“You want to finally move into the Nero Manor?”

I gulp, finding the iron gate that sections off the old mansion. It’s to the left of the Axton Manor, opposite the Cornelli Manor, and beside the Ciceros Manor.

Bringing my attention back to what will be our new home, I study the aged construction, lost in the character that each generation has added to. The stained-glass windows and dark statues that stand at each side of the grand staircase. “Yes. Yes, I want us to live here.”

One month later

“Why do I get the feeling this is going to be bad?” I can’t help it, and if I chew on my fingernails anymore, I’m pretty sure I’ll have none left.

“It’s a blood oath. I knew what I was doing when I took it.” Kyrin leads me toward the middle of The Village, right near what they call “the bunker”.

I turn to face Cartier, who is cradling her niece in her arms. “Can you tell him that he doesn’t need to do this?”

“Sorry, Mama.” Cartier pats me on the shoulder. “It’s the rules. But, I’m taking my precious away from all this shit. So I’ll see you back at the house.” I watch as she disappears back the same way we came, blowing raspberries onto Luna’s cheeks as we continue to where there’s a small crowd gathered. All Kiznitch, obviously.

Kyrin grips my fingers with his, pushing me back behind his body as we reach the circle. There’s a small fire burning in the center, with The Four Fathers surrounding it, in the placement of The Brothers of Kiznitch star. They’re wearing long robes with hoods covering their heads and a bone mask with a pointed nose protruding outward.

The hot flames lick through the air, warming my cheeks but doing absolutely nothing to calm the anger and protectiveness that’s igniting in my belly.

“Let’s get this over with…” Kyrin says, gesturing to Kauis with a flick of his hand. “No need for the theatrics.”

Kauis ignores him, as do the other Fathers. He steps closer to Kyrin, and I find my feet moving forward, reaching for Ky’s arm.