The guard roars forward, raising the gun up to point at my chest, but I whack it out of the way with the back of my hand and rear my elbow back, punching him straight in the nose. Bones snap beneath my fist and I pull back again, punching him two more times as blood splatters against my face. I reach for the knife that’s in his holster and swing it up, catching it across his neck and watching as his skin splits open and blood spills over his chest like a waterfall.

“Graf!” she screams so loud it pierces my ears, and just as the door swings open behind us, I spin around and fling the knife directly at his forehead. He stops moving as blood pours from the incision before he’s falling to the ground.

I stand, catching my breath while cursing the cigarettes I always find myself smoking, despite the weight I lift. “Now, you’re fucking lucky I love Lilith, or I’d be making a nice little necklace out of your intestines right now.”

Kennedy’s cheeks flash red, and her shoulders square. She drops back down onto her chair, reaching for her packet of cigarettes on the table. “Do you really think this is going to work? You with her? Lilith is my daughter. The same evil that runs through me is in her.”

Leaning down, I pick up the AK and slowly stand back straight. “Lilith is nothing like you.”

She tilts her head, flicking the ash off the end of her cigarette. “No, you’re right. She’s worse.”

The front door bangs open and I pause as Lilith, Kyrin, Keaton, King, and Kohen walk through, heading straight for me.

Lilith pauses in the doorway, her eyes on Kennedy. “Why?”

Kennedy chuckles, tossing her head back while flicking her legs on the desk. She’s not going to go down easy, that much is obvious. “We didn’t push you on Eli’s dick, Lilith. You climbed on him all on your own.”

“But you knew I was getting pregnant… you fed me fertility drugs. You knew what you were doing.”

“Ahhh…” Her eyes flash with recognition. “I see someone broke down the barriers I built inside your head.”

“That’d be me, and you’re not that good…” Killian prowls slowly from behind them.

Kennedy swings her legs off the desk, leaning forward. “Yes, we knew. Getting into The Kings’ favor books would have been a big thing for us. It would have given us protection from Mayhem. We could have progressed. Of course, I didn’t factor in the whole throuple thing coming into play. That just—” She waves her hands around. “Messed it all up.”

I walk farther into the room, feeling Lilith and Kyrin both behind me.

Lilith continues, walking to her side of the desk. I turn frigid, watching Kennedy’s every move.

“Do you have anything else to say before I play a game of Edward Scissorhands?” I’m going to kill this fucking bitch.

Kennedy smirks up at Lilith. “Yes.”

They say when something colossal happens in your life, that everything else ceases to exist. Like the walls of the castle you spent all of your life building tumble to the ground. Obviously, I never thought I could ever experience that, because truthfully, I never cared for anyone enough to have my emotions that could be played with.

That was, until I met both Kyrin and Eli.

The first thing that happens, is I hear someone scream my name. I don’t recognize the voice because all I can think is my fucking arm burns with liquid fire. I coil over as that same fire tears through my stomach walls. I start falling, the ground gaining clarity as I get closer and closer. I wait for the hard smack, but land on something soft. Arms are around my body, and it’s not until I look up to see who it is that I realize Eli is beneath me, blood spilling out of his mouth.

“Eli?” I cough, but it burns more, and every time I try to move, my body screams in protest. I don’t know any of what’s going on in the background because my throat is clogging and all I want to do is crawl up higher to make sure Eli is okay. “Hey!” Every word hurts, but it’s bearable. Just. The door opens again in the distance and more yelling erupts.

What the fuck.

Eli coughs again while squeezing me further into him.

“Oh no.” I feel my head turning side-to-side, and suddenly the pain I just felt is insignificant because Eli—he’s—“Who shot you?”

“They shot you, too, Little Devil.” He laughs, and blood sprays out from his mouth. I don’t stop the tears from rolling down my eyes because everything hurts. “I’m just glad I managed to get to you before it hit anything else damaging.”

“Eli!” I whack his arm. “No! I would have taken her! Why would you?” My shoulder starts shaking as I place my hand on the wound over his chest. Blood spills from between my fingers, sticky bright red goo. Someone is screaming. Their screams are so loud it’s deafening. It’s not until my throat burns like I’ve swallowed acid that I realize the person who is screaming…is me.