I rise from my seat and turn to go. I want to believe there will be a better time to discuss this after he’s cooled down. There are things to consider. He needs some intervention, obviously, but I don’t know that it will make a difference. He’s not getting out of here, and he’ll never truly be a part of Nino’s life. As things stand, I’m not sure we’ll ever get to a point where we can agree. I know Enzo well enough to know he’s not backing down from this. I don’t want to believe the worst in him, but I don’t know who he is right now.

“I mean it, Alessio,” he calls after me. “He better be here next Sunday. I’m not going to ask twice.”



Nino and I are cuddled up on his bed, watching a movie together when the house loses power. He clings to me nervously as we wait for it to come back on, but it doesn’t. A weird feeling lodges in my chest as I remember Manuel told me he had the night off. I don’t actually know what he does on his time off or if he’s even still in the house. Sometimes he sticks around, but there are other times when I don’t see him. Alessio is gone too, which means there’s a chance Nino and I are here alone.

“Natalia?” Nino whispers into the darkness. “I’m scared.”

I hug him close to me as I pull my phone out and turn on the flashlight. He seems to relax when he sees my face, but a noise from downstairs makes us both jump.

“What was that?” he asks.

I hold a finger up to my lips and listen. There’s a long pause before we hear it again. Something crashes, and it’s loud. Chillingly loud. My heart races as I try to reassure Nino. If Manuel were here, I’m certain he would have called out by now. Unless that’s him downstairs, or maybe Alessio is back. But it sounds like someone is breaking something, and I have a gut feeling it’s not either of them.

My fingers tremble as I type out a text to Alessio and try to send it, but it doesn’t go through. That’s when I notice my phone has no service or WIFI. I try again a few more times, but it’s not working, and my immediate thought is that someone is blocking the signal.

I lift Nino off the bed as I consider my options. The first thing I have to do is get him somewhere safe. There’s no way for us to get to the ground level besides the stairs, and I don’t know who’s down there. Going up to the third level is an option, but if someone has broken in, they could probably break through Alessio’s door too. I’m terrified, but I can’t let Nino see that. I have to figure out what’s going on. I have to protect him.

I take him with me into the hall, using my phone light to check the path to the third floor. There’s nobody up here yet, but I suspect it’s only a matter of time. I take the stairs quietly, hoping Alessio left his door unlocked. If he didn’t, I’ll have to hide Nino in one of the guest suites.

I turn the handle on his door and say a silent prayer of relief when it opens. His room is empty and quiet, and for now, it’s the safest place I can think to keep Nino. I shuttle him into the closet, and then I write out a message for him and lower the volume before I play it.

Nino, I need you to be brave for me, okay? I’m going to check downstairs for Manuel. While I do that, I need you to stay in here and be very quiet until I come back for you.

His lip trembles, and his eyes shine with tears. “Do you promise you’ll come back?”

I promise. I take him into my arms and hug him. Just don’t come out no matter what you hear. I want you to lock the door behind me and don’t open it until I tap four times.

“Okay,” he says.

Can you do me a favor and keep trying to send this text to Alessio?

He nods.

I give him one last glance, smoothing his hair over with my fingers. The phone is clutched in his hand as I quietly shut the closet door behind me, waiting for the lock to engage. My other phone is in my room, and I need to grab it so I have a source of light. As I creep down the stairs, I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever seen a landline in the house, but I don’t think I have.

I make it to the second landing without hearing anything. Whatever that sound was downstairs, it seems to have stopped now. It’s eerily quiet as I turn the corner and then freeze. Standing in the doorway to my room is a figure I know immediately isn’t Manuel or Alessio.