I point at the chair and then kneel before him, easing my body between his legs, my breath blowing across his cock. A shiver moves over him, and his hand comes to rest in my hair as I suck him into my mouth.

“Christ,” he hisses under his breath.

I peer up at him, noting the way his muscles are already straining. He looks completely out of his mind, and it doesn’t make much sense. I’ve never given a blow job before. I know I can’t possibly be that good at it, but whatever I’m doing appears to be working.

“Natalia.” His grip on my hair tightens. “Oh, fuck.”

I suck him deeper, harder, watching him closely to see what it is that drives him over the edge, but there doesn’t seem to be one particular thing. It’s just … all of it. The pieces are starting to fall together in my mind as I consider the progression of our interactions. At first, he wouldn’t even unzip his pants. Then there was the way he said he wanted to feel me, just once. Those words have stayed with me, floating around my mind like a tumbleweed. Now, there’s this. A man so hot I’m certain he’s had many willing participants who’ve offered before me. The real question on my mind is, why does it seem like he’s never felt this before? And why does it make me so happy to think I could be the first?

I throw myself into it, flicking my tongue against his head, swirling him around my mouth, and dragging my nails over his muscular thighs. He tastes like salt and man. As I bring him closer to the edge of no return, I decide I want to taste all of him. I want to feel his release spilling down my throat, marking me with a part of him. I want the intimacy I crave from him.

“Natalia,” he chokes out again, his forearm straining as he grips the chair with one hand and holds my head with the other.

He’s trying to warn me, but I keep going. I keep going until he releases so violently, he’s shaking beneath me. His cock jerks into my mouth, and I swallow willingly. I swallow until there’s nothing left but the sound of his ragged breaths.

When I finally free his cock from my mouth, I find him staring down at me like I’m the devil incarnate. He wishes he could just stay away. Instead of letting him put a wall between us, I slide up onto his lap, and force him to acknowledge me by grabbing his face. I want him to kiss me, but he doesn’t, so I kiss him. He grunts on impact, his hand coming to rest on my ass in his lap. I can tell how much he doesn’t want to like it, but already, he’s hardening beneath me. I kiss along his jaw, all the way down his neck, sucking the skin between my teeth until it leaves a mark. I don’t know why, only that I want to.

“Natalia,” he murmurs.

I ignore him, desperate for him to stay. Just a little longer. It’s pathetic. I’m pathetic. I don’t care. I want this. Need this. I know he does, too. So why is he fighting it?

“Natalia.” This time he grabs my hands to still them, trapping them between his. “I have to go.”

I shake my head in protest. He stares back at me in frustration. I lean over and grab the phone, writing out the question that’s been haunting me.

Have you ever been with another woman?

His eyes darken, and he picks me up without warning, setting me onto my feet. He won’t look me in the eyes as he tucks himself back into his pants, zipping them up and fixing his shirt.

“I have to go,” he says again.

And he does.




“What?” I blink up at Gwen, and she’s staring at me with a tight expression.

“Are you even listening to me?” she huffs.

I want to tell her that I am, but that would be a lie. My head is foggy. I’m tired and unfocused, and this is the last thing I want to be doing right now.

I start going through some of the footage on the computer to provide a distraction while Gwen glares at me. She’s been popping up here incessantly. I don’t know how she can sense something is off, but she always knows. She picks it up like a bloodhound, homing in on it until she’s right on top of it.

“Can this wait for another time?” I ask. “I have work to do.”

“Bullshit.” She crosses her arms and holds her ground.

I toss her a sharp look. I have always regarded Gwen highly, but she forgets that it works both ways. If she ever spoke to me in front of another member of The Society this way, I would be considered weak if I didn’t address it. The hierarchy of IVI dictates as much. Perhaps, I should address it, but sending Gwen into a tailspin right now is the last thing I have the energy for.