I’m choking up when Alessio walks in and sees us that way, followed by a somber Gwen. I don’t know what happened during their conversation, but she looks well and truly put in her place, and I can only hope that means I’m not fired.

Nino pulls away when he sees them, hops down from his chair as I rise, and walks over to Alessio. Then, he shocks all of us when he leans in and hugs him too, grasping at his waist, which is about as high as he can reach. Alessio looks visibly distraught and confused when his gaze collides with mine. I make a gesture with my hands as a signal to hug him back. It’s such a simple thing, but Alessio has to be told how to do it, and that’s how I know I’m right about him. We learn affection from our families, and whatever the case may be, it’s quite obvious Alessio missed out on some or all of those lessons. I don’t want to empathize with him after everything that’s transpired today, but it’s hard not to when I recall what Gwen said.

He’s lost everyone he ever loved.

I still don’t know what that means, but I want to. That is until I remember his words from earlier about me being a mistake. Those words seem to play in my head repeatedly as we all sit down for the most uncomfortable breakfast ever.

I help Nino make his selections from the food on the table while Gwen starts prattling on about some event at something called IVI. I’m not fully listening until it occurs to me that Nino mentioned IVI. He said that’s where Alessio took him on the nights they have a meeting that’s not on the schedule. I’m curious if that’s some type of headquarters for their mafia organization or whatever Alessio would refer to it as. It’s the same principle, right? They are powerful. Dangerous. Criminal behavior takes place. So, tomayto, tomahto.

“Marianna’s going to look so gorgeous at the gala,” Gwen says, interrupting my silent stream of thoughts. “Just wait until you see the dress she chose, Alessio. You’re going to love it.”

When I glance up, she’s wearing a smirk, and Alessio is staring at me uncomfortably. I maintain that eye contact for a few seconds longer than I should, and I’m afraid my emotions are all over my face.

He doesn’t belong to me, so I don’t know why it matters. This morning, I was planning on killing him. If he thinks I’m a mistake and wants to go to a gala with another woman, it shouldn’t make any difference to me. In fact, the busier he is, the better it will be for me. He did me a favor by telling the truth. We are from two different worlds. There is no reality where he’s going to take me to his super-secret organization as a date. I’m the hired staff, and he is the enemy. He just hasn’t realized it yet.

I focus on eating the small croissant I chose as quickly and politely as I can manage. I distract myself by trying to figure out how I’m going to make it up to the third level before Angelina does. Right now, I know she’s still in the kitchen, where she remains during breakfast service. At least I can count on that, but I have no idea what Alessio’s plans are for the day. For all I know, he might be staying home, in which case, I’m definitely screwed.

Alessio gives me a curious glance as I finish in record time and set a napkin on my plate. I know the polite thing to do is wait for everyone else, and that’s the expectation, but I can’t chance it. I retrieve my phone and start writing.

May I be excused briefly? I need to use the powder room.

He gives me a tight nod. “I’ll look after Nino.”

“Take your time,” Gwen calls after me as I go.

I don’t dignify her with a response, but I do glance over my shoulder to see Alessio’s. I’m not even certain he heard her because his eyes are on me, brows pinched tightly, jaw set. I can’t tell what he’s thinking, but I don’t stick around to find out.

There’s a bathroom on the first floor, of course, but I head for the stairs. If anyone questions me later, I can say I needed to take my vitamin, which is in my room. If by chance I’m caught on the third level by Angelina or even Alessio, I’ll just have to tell them I thought I left my second phone there. That won’t go over well with Angelina, but there’s a good chance Alessio wouldn’t question it. Unless, of course, he does have cameras on that level, in which case, I’m dead no matter what.