There is no graceful way to do the walk of shame past her. I’m in a skimpy nightgown that shows much more than I’d care to admit. She takes note of me as I pass by, her eyes moving over me in sharp disapproval. I maintain a neutral expression, but it isn’t without difficulty.

She is, admittedly, a beautiful woman. She’s tall, shapely, and well dressed. Her blonde hair is styled in a way that highlights her angular cheekbones. Even though I’m sure she’s at least twenty years older than Alessio, I could see how she might appeal to him. In comparison, I feel plain, but I hold my head high as I pass her by because I’m good at faking it.

Once I’m in the hall, however, it’s a different story. I take a deep breath and pause, glancing back over my shoulder. The door is still open, and I think a part of me is waiting to see if she shuts it. I’m desperate to hear what she has to say, but I’m still too close. Reluctantly, I inch toward the staircase as her voice rings out.

“Really, Alessio? Please don’t tell me that’s the nanny. Don’t tell me you’ve fallen for that old cliché.”

My throat squeezes as I wait for his response.

“It was a mistake,” he answers callously.

Those words are like a hot knife to my chest, and I find myself shrinking back against the wall, humiliated. It’s so stupid. I shouldn’t be this sensitive. If anything, I should feel the same way about what just happened between us.

“You have to get rid of her,” the woman says. “It’s the only way. You can’t let this go on while she’s supposed to be looking after Nino.”

There’s another pause, and I’m still holding my breath, waiting for him to defend me, but he doesn’t. This is the absolute worst-case scenario, and I’m not prepared with a backup plan if he wants to send me packing.

“I can have Marianna here this afternoon—”

“No,” he grunts.

I perk up, but I’m not sure whether I’m hopeful or relieved.

“I’m in charge of Nino’s care,” Alessio replies. “I won’t allow my poor decision to interfere with that. He cares for Natalia. It would only hurt him to remove her from his life abruptly.”

“Hurt him?” the woman scoffs, her voice laced with resentment. “He barely knows her.”

“He spends most of his time with her,” Alessio admits regretfully. “He prefers her company, and they have already bonded. Making her leave would be equal to punishing him without merit.”

“I’ll never understand you men,” she sighs. “You have your choice of the most beautiful women in the city at your disposal, women who would do anything you asked of them, yet you choose a shabby, disfigured simpleton out of convenience.”

“Gwen.” His tone is low and dark, a clear warning that softens the blow of her harsh words. “You will treat her with respect while you’re in this house. You may not agree with all my decisions, but you need to trust that I know what’s best for Nino.”

I’m trying to figure out who she is in Nino’s life when she sniffles. I don’t have to see her to know she’s putting on crocodile tears.

“Alessio, you know I only have the utmost respect for you. I’m just looking out for you, and I admit, sometimes I may come across as harsh, but you and I are the same. You are the only person in my life who knows what it’s like to lose everyone they’ve ever loved. To me, you’ll always be like a son.”

“I know,” he answers softly. “I’ll never forget what you’ve done for me, Gwen. You are my family. Nothing will ever change that.”

I can hear her moving, and I wonder if she’s hugging him. But I’m still stuck on what she just said about him losing everyone he’s ever loved.

“It’s too late for me to find happiness,” she says. “But you still can. I truly believe if you’d just give Marianna a chance—”

“I’ll consider it.”

His concession prickles me, and I can’t help wondering who the hell Marianna is. Does he like her? Does he mean what he just said, or is he pacifying her?

“You will?” Her voice rises with excitement. “Oh, Alessio, you’ll see. She’s amazing. What about this weekend? I could arrange for you to take her out on the boat? Or dinner downtown? What do you think?”

He sighs. “I think I haven’t slept all night, and I can’t make any plans right now. I need to take a shower. Can you just wait for me downstairs? Angelina will make you a cup of coffee.”

“Okay,” she answers with a smile in her voice. “I’ll wait for you in the dining room.”

I fling myself around the corner as the sound of her footsteps approach the door. Taking the stairs as quickly and quietly as I can, I make good time. Her heels are so loud they seem to echo right behind me. This flight of stairs didn’t seem quite so long last night. Now, it feels like an eternity until I get to the bottom. When I do, I glance over my shoulder long enough to see her rounding the landing. I dart back to my room, relieved I left the door cracked. I shut myself inside with a soft click, hoping she didn’t notice, but by the pause of her heels on the second floor, I’m guessing she might have. Not that it matters. I already have a target on my back, apparently. My most important concern right now is finding that knife before Angelina does.