I reach for my phone and reply. My ears work just fine. We’re communicating now, aren’t we?

His frustration ebbs away, but I’m learning that Alessio rarely means what he says. It’s only surface level, and there’s always something lurking deeper beneath the veneer. While it’s true that people tend to tire of communicating with me in a slower fashion than they are accustomed to, I don’t think that’s his problem at all. He seems frustrated because he wants something more from our conversation, but he can’t bring himself to admit exactly what it is. I don’t know why I feel like I should bridge this gap, but I do.

You’re very tall, I write. I didn’t realize it until now.

His eyes soften slightly as he looks down at me. “You are very … short.”

Despite my mind screaming at me not to be stupid, I smile. I can’t help it. He is so awkward at times, completely at odds with the persona he gives off. I don’t doubt for a second that he’s a dangerous man, but it’s easy to forget during moments like these.

Alessio’s eyes move over my face, and something changes in his expression. I can’t tell for certain, but I think he seems to relax slightly.

“You don’t smile very often,” he remarks.

I suppose I don’t. But I take my job seriously.

“Yes, well, Nino seems happy in your care.”

Nino seems to be a safe topic for both of us. In a way, right now, he almost feels like a safe word. A reminder that we can’t fuck this up for him.

He’s an amazing child. I don’t know how you’ve managed so long on your own, but you’ve done a wonderful job with him.

Alessio frowns. “I wasn’t completely alone. He had a nanny before, but she was elderly and passed on six months ago.”

I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize.

I wonder why Nino never mentions her, or why Alessio never thought to mention this. There’s a chance Nino is still grieving her loss, and I had no idea.

“He told you I’m not his father,” Alessio says.

I stiffen at the observation, wondering how he could possibly know that. I thought we had been so careful with our conversations, but I can see that I was right about my suspicions. There must be cameras in Nino’s room. There must be some way Alessio has deciphered our sign language.

Suddenly, I find myself questioning everything. Nino is down for a nap, and I’m out on a boat with him in the open water. Did he bring me out here to kill me? Does he think I’m a threat now that I know the truth?

“That information will need to stay between us.” His voice is calm, but his eyes tell me everything I need to know. This is a warning. “As far as the rest of the world is concerned, I am his father. It’s my job to protect Nino, and it’s important nothing gets in the way of that.”

I swallow, forcing myself to nod. I understand.

His gaze dips to my lips, and in turn, mine drifts to his. My heart beats a little harder. I wonder if his is too, or if I’m just crazy.

“We have to get back,” he says abruptly, taking a step back. “Nino and I have somewhere to be.”

I study him for a second, confused. There’s nothing on the schedule for today.

“This appointment isn’t on the schedule.” He turns away and takes a seat at the wheel, his intention clear. He doesn’t want to be challenged or questioned on this.

I’m not in a place that I could challenge him, but I can’t understand where he would need to take Nino. Did he have something else planned that he didn’t want me to know about?

“You should go downstairs,” he tells me coldly. “In case Nino needs you.”



I spend the rest of the afternoon and into the evening wondering where they could possibly be. Alessio always takes Nino out on Sundays, but until today, I had just assumed it was his attempt at spending time together. Then Alessio told me they had somewhere to be, and the wheels in my mind started to turn. Where exactly is he taking him every Sunday without fail?

Today, they left after four, and it’s already past eight. They are usually home by now, and Nino should be getting ready for bed. Concern eats at me as I consider all the different possibilities. Were they in an accident? Are they okay? Is it something else? Something more sinister?

I’m an anxious mess when I finally hear Nino’s voice downstairs, and I rush to meet him. Instead of seeing Alessio there, I find it's just Manuel. He glances at me and nods to Nino.

“Go upstairs. Natalia will help you get ready for bed.”

Nino does as he’s instructed, and I can’t help noticing how much his demeanor has changed from this afternoon. There is a sullen, anxious child in place of the quiet, happy boy out on the boat. He takes the hand that I offer, and I lead him upstairs to his room, waiting until we’re in the bathroom before I ask him any questions.