Once I have Nino dressed in warmer clothes, I retreat to my closet to do the same. I don’t have many options for boating, so I decide on a pair of jeans, a knitted sweater, and a light jacket.

Nino takes my hand as we walk outside across the lawn to the dock, where Alessio has the boat ready and waiting. From peeking into the window of the boathouse, I’ve determined he owns a sports cruiser, specifically a Sea Ray Sundancer. It’s built for comfort and fun, but I’m certain it will get me where I need to go when the time comes.

Alessio pauses when he sees us, his gaze traveling slowly over my body. By the way his nostrils flare and heat pools in the depths of his eyes, I’m getting the sense he prefers me in jeans over the loose skirt suits that hide my curves.

Nino tugs my hand to pull me forward, distracting me from the moment. Alessio glances down at him, clearly surprised by his eagerness. Then he does something so uncharacteristic it surprises all of us. He reaches down and ruffles the hair atop Nino’s head, his face relaxing into the first sign of a natural smile I’ve witnessed from him.

“Come on, little rascal.” He lifts Nino, carries him on board, and then reaches out his hand to help me across the gap.

I stare at his extended fingers for a long moment, my nerves making me pause. It’s just a hand, and it’s a silly reaction, but I know what that hand is probably capable of. That hand has undoubtedly taken life. That hand is probably well versed in torture, yet when I look at this man, the fear that he first inspired is already beginning to subside. I think, more than anything, that’s the thing that scares me.

His eyes implore me to act, and I do, slowly reaching toward him and allowing his massive fingers to engulf mine. The connection sends a tiny shockwave up my arm, and straight to my head, where my pulse is pounding so hard, I can hear it. I wonder if Alessio feels it too. When I look into his eyes, and see the confusion there, I think he does.

Neither of us wants this, but there seems to be some greater force pulling us together. Alessio sets Nino down but doesn’t take his eyes off me. Unlike a moment ago, I can’t tell what he’s thinking. He’s skilled at hiding his emotions, but he can’t hide the hunger radiating from him.

I swallow and turn my attention to Nino, fussing over his jacket even though I already made sure it was fastened.

“I’m going to start the engine,” Alessio tells us. “Nino, would you like to help?”

His eyes sparkle with excitement as he nods. “Yes!”

In another surprising turn of events, Alessio rests his hand on Nino’s shoulder as he leads him away. I focus on that connection with a bittersweet warmth in my chest. Perhaps I was wrong before. Alessio might be better at this than I gave him credit for.

I follow them into the cockpit, watching closely as Alessio points out some of the features on the console to Nino, including the start button. I’m taking mental notes throughout the entire process as they start the engine together, and Alessio smoothly navigates us out onto the water.

“You can help me steer when we’re out in the open,” Alessio tells Nino.

“Okay.” Nino sits up straighter, peeking out over the console as if this is the most important job he’ll ever have.

The boat picks up speed, and Alessio handles it with precision, guiding us across the lake toward the unknown. The wind cools my cheeks and slowly unravels my hair from its usual bun, pulling pieces out until eventually, it collapses at the nape of my neck. I didn’t think to bring a hair tie, so I remove the pins and secure them in my pocket, brushing through the ends of my hair with my fingers to smooth the mess. By the time I’m finished, the tips of my hair fall across my lower back, displaying the length I’ve been growing for years.

Alessio glances back at me briefly and then freezes, his jaw flexing as he takes me in. I fold my arms across my chest as if I’m cold, but really, I’m feeling exposed. For so long, I’ve tried to blend in and go unnoticed. I’ve hidden my femininity as well as I could, determined to keep men away. Right now, I can’t hide it, and the longer he looks at me, the more I realize maybe I don’t want to.

“Can I drive now?” Nino interrupts the moment, and I’m glad for it.

Alessio nods, his jaw still tight as he slows the speed to a crawl and then pulls Nino onto his lap. I watch the two of them together as Alessio provides instruction, and something in my heart thaws a little. Or a lot. Too much, I think.