
“Good morning, Nino.” Alessio rises from his chair to greet us as we enter the dining room. It’s bizarre and unlike him, and I’m tempted to glance at the clock to see if I somehow misread the time.

Nino peeks up at him, looking as confused as I feel. “Good morning.”

The awkwardness persists for the next thirty seconds, and when I meet Alessio’s gaze, I finally realize what’s happening. This is his attempt at normal human interaction.

Should we all have a seat? I suggest, noting Alessio is clearly out of his element here.

He nods, pulling a chair out for me, and then repeats the process for Nino. I shoot him a look when he sits down, hoping he can pick up on my silent message to relax. It doesn’t need to be so stilted.

Nino, what would you like today? I sign my question and hand him his plate.

“I can do that.” Alessio stands up again, and I try to stifle my smile.

“It’s okay,” Nino disregards his attempt. “I can do it.”

I look at Alessio again, offering him a reassuring nod, but it doesn’t seem to calm his nerves.

Nino carefully goes about selecting his breakfast, freezing when a piece of melon slips off the spoon and onto the table. His eyes dart to Alessio, and it’s clear he needs reassurance that this is okay, but Alessio somehow misses the cue. I nudge his foot beneath the table with mine, and he gives me an odd expression before the realization occurs.

“Don’t worry about it, Nino,” he responds stiffly. “It’s alright.”

Nino returns his focus to his task, and once he’s seated, Alessio and I dish up our plates. Angelina enters a few minutes into our breakfast, refilling Alessio’s coffee cup without even glancing at mine. I’m used to it by now, and honestly, I prefer she ignores me because I don’t want her waiting on me. Alessio, however, seems to be more attuned to the situation today, and it catches us all by surprise when he calls her name, and she freezes.

She turns back slowly, peering down at Alessio from beneath her long, beautiful lashes. “Yes, Mr. Scarcello?”

“You forgot Natalia’s cup.” He nods to my coffee.

Angelina’s lips purse and she dips her head. “So sorry about that. I don’t know how that happened.”

She returns with a tension in her body that wasn’t there before, and I’m internally cringing as she refills my cup. I have a feeling she’s going to try to pay me back for this later.

When she leaves, Alessio’s gaze lingers on mine for much longer than necessary, but neither of us seems eager to break it. I offer him a shaky smile and then turn to Nino, severing the strange connection.

I sign a few questions to Nino, spelling out the words he doesn’t yet understand. He answers with his own mixture of spelling variations and words and then beams at my response. When I return to my breakfast, I’m confused by the irritation on Alessio’s face.

“Do you not think it rude to have private conversations at the dining table?” he snaps.

I raise my brows at him and then type out a message, holding it up for him to see.


His lip twitches, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d think it amuses him when I talk to him this way. I doubt anyone else in his life does. When he doesn’t respond, I take it upon myself to inform him of the discussion I just had with Nino.

I asked him what he’d like to do with you today.

Alessio’s brows pinch together. “Today?”

Yes. And he said he would like to go out on the boat.

I leave out the part that I suggested it. Ultimately, this situation will be beneficial for both of us. Alessio can spend time with Nino like he wants, and I can learn how the boat operates.

Alessio glances at Nino, and I’m not entirely sure what he’s thinking. For all I know, he could have plans today. After a few moments, I can see he’s decided.

“I suppose we could go out on the boat.”

Nino’s face brightens as he looks at Alessio, and something softens in his expression. That softness tugs at a place deep in my chest, and I try to ignore the feeling that I’m doing something wrong. That I’m somehow misguided or cruel for manipulating Alessio this way. I can’t allow myself to care about his feelings. That’s the only way I’m going to survive.

We finish our breakfast quietly, and Alessio tells us he’s going to prepare the boat. His instructions are to meet him downstairs once Nino is dressed for the water. It’s cooler outside today, and that will require a jacket, particularly with the breeze.

I try to hide my disappointment that I won’t be able to witness the preparations he’s doing. I’ve taken up studying watercraft operation in my spare time, but it won’t be of any use if I don’t know where he stores the keys to the boat house. I have a sinking feeling I’m not going to find out today.