“I know who you are now,” I answer without emotion. “The only traitor I see is you.”

“I hear congratulations are in order.” He yanks against the restraints, shaking the chains. “You finally got a taste of pussy. How does it feel to know I had it first?”

“You never had her.” I stare down at him in disgust. “You took what she wouldn’t give you freely. That’s what you still don’t understand, Enzo. It doesn’t make you a man. It makes you fucking pathetic.”

“Pathetic,” he sneers. “Coming from the man who has me tied up like a dog. Give me a fair fight. If you want to end me, let’s do this man to man.”

“You want to take a shot?” I shrug and gesture for Thomas. “Fine. Give me a hand with these.”

“Are you sure, Mr. Scarcello?”

Enzo snorts at Thomas’s remark, and I nod.

We release him from his restraints, and Enzo sits up, cracking his neck from side to side. In his mind, this is a foregone conclusion, but Enzo has always underestimated me. He’s known me for many years, but he’s never seen me work. He’s never even seen me angry. He doesn’t have any idea about the quiet rage that lives in me, but he’s about to learn.

“I’ll tell you what.” Enzo rises to his feet and shakes out his arms. “I’ll even give you the first one for free, so you can feel like you accomplished something.”

“I’m not looking for favors. You said you wanted a fair fight, so take your shot, Marcone.”

He chuckles to himself and then throws out a left hook that collides with my jaw. The impact reverberates through my skull, but it doesn’t drop me like he was expecting. I let him have that one, because he’s foolish enough to think it will happen twice. When he throws a second one at me in quick succession, I dodge it and smash my fist straight into his nose.

He howls out in pain as blood spews from his nostrils, but it teaches him nothing. He tries to come at me again, and this time, I break teeth with a fist to his mouth.

“You motherfucker.” He spits the fragments onto the floor.

When he charges at me again, I swerve, grabbing his arm as I swing around behind him and yank back. At the same time, I thrust my palm into the base of his skull, sending him face down into the floor. He grunts when his shoulder dislocates, rendering that arm useless. I use my weight to kneel into his back and smash his face into the cement with a satisfying crunch.

“Have anything to say now?” I snarl.

“Fuck you.” He gurgles on his blood.

I leave him lying there in a heap as I rise to my feet and gesture for Thomas. “Give me a hand, will you?”

He walks around and grabs Enzo’s good arm while I drag him by his injured one. He snarls and grunts like a pig from the pain before he vomits all over himself when we throw him back into the chair.

“Fucking disgusting,” I spit at him.

Luckily for me, there’s a hose attachment in the prison basement, so I set that up at the sink while Thomas works on securing Enzo’s restraints.

“His legs need to be wider,” I inform him. “Drag him to the edge of the chair. He shouldn’t be able to move at all.”

“Okay.” Thomas yanks him forward, widening Enzo’s legs.

Once he’s secure, Thomas steps away. I blast Enzo with the hose, cleaning the blood and vomit away. Enzo chokes on the water, coughing and sputtering when it hits his face, and I do it again just because I fucking feel like it.

“Do me a favor.” I toss the hose aside and point to my bag. “Grab the scissors out of there and cut off his pants and underwear.”

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Enzo groans. “Just kill me, Scarcello. Get it the fuck over with.”

I pause to look at him. “Did you get it over with when you were torturing my wife?”

His eyes flare, and he doesn’t answer.

“Or how about his wife, for that matter?” I gesture to Thomas, and he freezes, turning to see the vacant expression on Enzo’s face. “What about Nicolette? Or Elizabeth? How about your own fucking brother?”

His silence is deafening, and it fucking enrages me.

“How many were there, Enzo? How many times did you have to throw your limp dick around to feel like a man?”

“You don’t know anything,” he roars. “They all fucking loved it. Every one of them. Especially his wife.” He looks at Thomas, taunting him. “She begged me for more. Over and over and—”

Thomas slams his fist into Enzo’s face, and his head jerks back as another bloody tooth flies onto the cement. It renders Enzo unconscious for a few seconds, and Thomas offers me an apologetic shrug.