So yes, the place wasn’t much, but it looked a hell of a lot better in the candlelight.

Speaking of which . . .

“You look beautiful.”

“Thank you,” she said, primly putting her napkin in her lap. “So do you.”

That sent a feeling of contentment right through me. Right through my chest. What kind of girl said things like that? A sweet, loving one, I told myself. A keeper. And that was what she was. I watched her eat, trying not to shove the plates off the table and make a meal of her instead.

She’s a nice girl, I reminded myself. Treat her with respect. But after dinner, I promised the slobbering beast inside me, after dinner, I will finally get what I want.

The meal went quickly. I asked questions, careful not to reveal that I knew things I shouldn’t about her history. Fucking up the best thing that ever happened to me was definitely not on the agenda.

I cleared the table when the meal was over. She jumped up to help, and we laughed as we bumped into each other in the tiny kitchen. I let the dishes clatter as I dropped them into the sink and took what I really wanted—her lips. I kissed her, pressing her back against the kitchen countertop.

Soon, our clothes were coming off. I bent down to my knees to worship her bare breasts and taste the honey pot between her gorgeous legs. I draped one silky thigh over my shoulder, opening her so I could enjoy her thoroughly. The feel of her, the taste, and the sexy little sounds she made all had me more than ready for the main event.

But she was tiny. I was big. I’d been preparing her ever since that night at the drive-in. I knew I would still have to go slowly. Even with the urgency I felt, the raw desperate passion, I wanted to go slowly.

I wanted to savor every moment of this.

“I want to take you to the bedroom now. Please let me, Coll.”

“Yes,” she sighed as I lifted her up and carried her across the cabin. “Yes.”

I lay her down on the bed and took a moment to admire her. To appreciate the bounty I was about to receive. Then I started to strip. Her eyes were wide as I removed my pants and pushed my boxers down.

“Jaken,” she said nervously. “You are . . .” she trailed off, obviously referring to the size of my member and too lady like to use the actual word.

“I’ll go slowly,” I promised, kissing my way up her body until I was above her, poised at her entrance. “And I will stop at any time if you want me to. I mean it. Promise me you will tell me.”

“I… I will…” She said. She was trusting me. It touched me in a way I hadn’t anticipated.

I kissed her deeply, my tip nudging against her entrance, finding her unerringly. I was a heat seeking missile. But I only wanted her.

“Do you want me to? Stop?”


A swell of tenderness and admiration filled me, battling with the lust. This perfect girl was giving herself to me. What I had done to deserve her, only the good Lord knew.

I notched myself just inside her and pressed forward, watching her face carefully for signs of pain. The first time didn’t have to hurt, I’d found out with some pointed advice from the girls. They had sent me to the internet to do some Googling. So my goal was to simply nudge any barrier aside instead of tearing through it, as I’d grown up thinking was the only way to ‘deflower’ a lady.

It was hard to think as her body opened up and welcomed me in. The fit was snug, too snug to do much maneuvering when I could go no further.

This was it. The moment of truth.

“Honey, I don’t want to hurt you.”

“It’s okay.”

“Let me try something, okay?”

She nodded, and I reached between us, rubbing my thumb over her clit. She gasped, and her body relaxed slightly before she clamped down on me and started to come.

Christ, she felt good. Too good. It was almost too much. But I had to stay focused on her. I circled my hips until I was past the barrier and slid the rest of the way home. I was through and I hadn’t hurt her. A sense of triumph mingled with the lust but I held myself still.

Colleen was still climaxing, making me want to ride her fast and hard. After two weeks of near-constant arousal, the Lord above knew I was more than ready. I’d never wanted anything in my life more than to pour myself into her waiting body.

Her tremors started to fade. That was my cue. Slowly and carefully I began to move. We stared into each other’s eyes as we made love for the first time. The first of many, many times to come.