“It wasn’t an accident?” I asked, looking around. For some reason, I was even more pleased by that.

“Honey, that man was smitten from the moment he saw you at our wedding.”

“He was?”

“Alright, enough now. We can’t give away all the man’s secrets,” Parker said.


“Everyone has secrets when you are just getting to know them,” Michelle said logically. She leaned forward, catching my eye. “Nothing bad though, honey.”


I looked up.

Jaken stood there, toweling off his damp hair. He looked so happy to see me, it made me melt a little.

“I guess you got wet,” I said, smiling at the picture he made. He looked so young. And so handsome it made me feel all topsy turvy inside.

“Want to go for a walk?”

I nodded happily. After everything the girls had told me, I was feeling a lot more confident. Jaken really liked me. He had from the start.

He took my hand and led me back towards the front of the house.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“There’s a nice big rock about a hundred yards down that way,” Hunter said with a wink as we passed by. I gave him a funny look. He must have known I was trying to get some alone time with Colleen.

But I didn’t want her to know what I was up to.

Not until I had her in my arms and could kiss her senseless, anyway.

It wasn’t dishonest, I reasoned with myself. It wasn’t as if I was trying to get her to lose her virginity on a rock. But I did want her to want to lose her virginity, if not now, then soon.

I wanted her to be sure.

I wanted her to be as crazy about me as I was about her.

Fat chance of that, boy, I heard my grandmother’s familiar voice tease me. You’re head over fanny for the girl.

Well, then, Nan. I want her to be almost as crazy for me as I am for her, I answered with a mental wink.

We held hands and walked in companionable silence. I thanked my lucky stars that Colleen had worn sneakers with her pretty dress. I still could not get over how carefree, young, and pretty she looked.

No one should be that pretty. It wasn’t fair to everyone else. But she was.

The crazy thing was, she didn’t seem to know it.

Damned if that didn’t make me even crazier about her.

I saw Hunter’s rock up ahead and my brain started imagining all the filthy things we could do on it. But Colleen was a nice girl. I couldn’t go too fast, as much as my body wanted to, my mind and my heart wanted to treat her with respect.

I just wanted to do it naked.

“Colleen…” I breathed as I turned her to face me. Her huge eyes blinked up at me innocently. “I want to kiss you.”

“Yes,” she said softly, her head tilting back. Her eyes falling to my lips as mine fell to hers. And then we were kissing. Long, slow, deep kisses that went on forever. After a time I lifted her off her feet and settled her on the rock. Somehow, I ended up standing between her legs, pulling her closer, growling with the need building inside me.

My hands wandered… here… there… she arched against me and I tasted the warm honey of her skin, licking and kissing her neck, then her collar bone, then…

Bllllloooooop! Bloop bloop bloop!

I jumped in the air. Colleen nearly screamed. I gripped her hand and stood in front of her as flashing lights filled the clearing.

That’s when I heard it.


My friends were fuckers. ‘Friends’ was a stretch. In that moment, I would have cheerfully murdered them all.

The truth was, they had saved me from going too fast. It was the wrong time and the wrong place. But I would have liked to hover on the edge of disaster just a bit longer. Maybe had a taste of the sweetness between her thighs. Maybe gotten a little closer to the finish line…

“It’s okay. They are just messing with us.”

“Oh,” Colleen said, clearly feeling shy. I glanced back at her and nearly cursed. She looked mortified. And of course she was. She was a dignified young lady, not some sex fairy who made out with irishmen in the woods on a daily basis.

“Want me to take you home?”

“Yes,” she said softly. “I think that would be wise.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


“You are a real fucker, Connor. Did you know that?”

“That’s why you love me,” I said to my wife, as we cleaned up the leftovers and empties from the party. I slapped her cute little ass when she walked past.

“Pig,” she muttered, tossing her hair. “I can’t believe you did that to poor Colleen.”

“What? They weren’t naked. And it wasn’t just me.”

“Hmmm, I think it was mostly you,” she said with an arched brow, giving me a dirty look over her shoulder. “And you should be ashamed of yourself.”