“I want to touch you,” I said, my fingers tracing the edge of her bra strap.

“Okay,” she said, and I groaned, my hands eagerly closing over her curves. I was gentle at first, teasing her nipples to form hard points through her shirt and bra. Then I slipped my hand under her shirt.

“Is this okay?”

“Yes. Yes, please.”

I would have laughed at the polite way she answered me if I hadn’t been in an agony of desire. The plan to warm her up a little bit each time was backfiring. She might be warm, but I was on the verge of exploding. And that was just from touching the bare skin of her chest.

“Ooh.” She moaned softly as my fingers pulled down her bra cups and pushed her shirt up. I pulled one nipple into my mouth, plucking the other with my fingertips. Her hands wove into my hair, gently at first and then with more urgency.

“Christ,” I gasped, raising my head to look at her. “Can I take this a little further?”

She nodded, looking dazed but more than willing. She was aroused, maybe as much as I was, though I doubted she understood what that meant.

But I knew.

It meant that I needed to bring her to climax. Right here, and right now. It might kill me to do it without coming myself, but there was no way in hell I was letting the lady go home unsatisfied.

“Good,” I said, slipping my hand under her skirt to caress her thigh. “Very good.”

Chapter Six


“You behave!” I said with a breathless squeal. My man had a hard time focusing sometimes. Well, a lot of the time, when it came to me.

Our baby was napping in the travel bassinet while we helped Colleen’s kids clean up after dinner. The kids cleared and scraped, I was doing the dishes, and Preacher was drying and stacking.

Except he wasn’t.

He was playing a game of grab ass of epic proportions.

The man literally could not seem to help himself.

I slapped his hand away again.

“You are going to traumatize those children,” I hissed under my breath. He just grinned and squeezed me again.

“Honey, everyone needs to learn about the birds and the bees sometime.”

“Sometime is not now,” I said, firmly removing his hand from my derrier. “Not our kids, remember?”

“Okay but I am not behaving in front of little Charisse.”

“Yes, you damn well will,” I retorted, ignoring him completely. “And any other babies we have.”

“Harumph,” he said loudly, making some of the children giggle. “That’s not how they do it in France,” he whispered in my ear.

“Well, it’s a good thing we’re not in France then,” I rejoined, giving him a tart look. “Here,” I added, handing him the sponge. “You can finish up. You need to cool down anyway.”

He took the sponge like a good boy and started scrubbing. I grinned at him and took the first plate he handed me, drying it briskly.

The kids wiped down the table and then gathered around the TV. It was a weekend only treat for them, I knew. Colleen had rules.

I had to admit, I admired a woman with grit. And she had it, in spades.

I looked around, admiring the wall to wall shelves with cubbyholes for all the kids schoolwork. There was a shelf with books. Another with toys. Everything was in order and in its place. With this number of kids under her care, it was remarkable.

The woman ran a tight ship, that was for damned sure.

And she was pretty as punch and twice as sweet, to boot.

“When we get back to the hotel,” Preacher whispered hotly in my ear, “I am going to tear you apart.”

I bit my lip, feeling my body respond to him immediately.

“I can’t wait,” I breathed, before going to check on the baby. I glanced at the clock. We had told Jaken not to hurry, but that didn’t mean I wouldn’t be watching the clock tick down.

I meant what I said. I couldn’t wait to be alone with my man. Tonight and always.

Chapter Seven


His hand was there, or nearly there.

So close to where I wanted it.

But he made no move to touch me through my panties. Jaken just kept kissing me, caressing my thigh, and tugging on my nipples with his other hand.

I was ready to jump out of my skin. I wanted something, but I wasn’t sure what.

Finally, his fingers brushed the thin cotton of my panties. Once. Twice. I moaned into his mouth, wanting more.

“Can I pull these to the side?”

“Yes,” I whispered, barely trusting myself to speak.

I felt cool air as he tugged on my panties and exposed my lips. His fingers toyed with me slowly. He was so gentle. And when his thumb started to circle on the sensitive nub, I nearly fainted with the pleasure of it.

“I want to taste you,” he murmured. “I want to kiss you there.”