Chapter Fourteen


“Ladies, this is Colleen. She’s a friend of Jaken’s.”

I tried to contain myself. I was beyond excited to meet Colleen. I had heard so much about her, and wanted Jaken to find love so badly.

When you are happy, you want everyone else to be happy. And I couldn’t imagine being any happier.

Between my man, my babies, and my sisters, my heart was full to bursting most days.

I wanted everyone to feel what I felt. I saw love everywhere. I saw it when I drove past a tow truck operator talking to a woman whose car had broken down. I saw it at the post office with the lady who liked to take her time picking out stamps from the handsome postal employee. I saw it right now, and I wanted to shove the girl into a wedding dress and down the aisle towards Jaken.

Slow your roll, Kelly. They have to do this at their own pace. But you can give them a gentle nudge or two.

“You’re so pretty!”

She smiled shyly at me, looking genuinely surprised. She didn’t know how pretty she was. That much was obvious.

“I’m Kelly,” I said, patting the seat beside me. “Come sit.”

Colleen sat at the round bar table and looked around at us. We introduced ourselves one by one, and then urged her to look at the menu.

“I can’t stay long…” she hedged.

“Well at least, have a drink with us!”

“What time is it?” She asked, looking a little confused. It was a bit early, I thought to myself. But day drinking with the girls was pretty much the best.

“It’s after noon. But you can have something fun with no booze in it,” Parker said pragmatically, lifting her drink, complete with paper umbrella. “I’m having a virgin Pina colada.”

“I have groceries in the car.”

“I tossed in some ice packs,” Michelle said. “It will keep a little while longer.”

The girls ordered a round including a virgin drink for Colleen, a simple tonic water with lime.

“Ordered like a true wedding planner,” Parker said.

“What? Why?” I asked.

“Because it looks like a drink, which puts the drunk guests at ease, but it won’t stain your clothes if one of them bumps into you.”

“Or the bride’s,” Colleen said with a look that said she had seen that happen.

“Heaven forbid,” Claire agreed with a laugh.

I glanced down at my phone and gasped. My husband had sent me a picture. A very naughty picture. But the picture was not of him.

It was a picture of me. Last night. I knew because I recognized the lingerie I had been wearing. Briefly. But all the same.

The black and pink lace was a new set. An expensive splurge that I had worn for less than twenty minutes. It matched the blindfold over my eyes, which was why I hadn’t caught him taking the picture.

And I had something in my mouth. Something thick and juicy. Something I had ridden half the night, causing me to need a little extra makeup under my eyes this morning.

I hurriedly turned my phone over. Suddenly I wanted to go home. But only if my husband was waiting there for me.

It pinged again and I bit my look, covertly stealing a glance.

It was an address. The hotel we frequented for adult playtime. He wanted me to meet him there as soon as I was finished here. He had enlisted a sitter for the babies.

Which meant…

I was in for one hell of a night.

I sipped my drink demurely, while my body started to tingle in all the right places.

“Kelly? Hello?”


“You look a million miles away.”

I smiled and apologized, focusing back on the girl talk. Michelle was inviting Colleen to a barbecue this weekend. But Colleen was worried about leaving Penny alone.

That wouldn’t work, if we wanted her to spend the night with Jaken. Only if she wanted to, of course. But she was shy and we knew that they were vibing, to say the least.

“Well the appointment is Friday, right?”

Colleen nodded.

“So if it goes well, you can leave her with a responsible friend visiting. And if it does not, you can decide what to do then.”

“You are so smart,” Colleen said. “I always make things more complicated by getting ahead of myself.”

“Honey, we all do that,” Parker said, putting an arm around her and giving a gentle squeeze.

It wasn’t long until we had all exchanged numbers and started a group text chat. But Colleen had to go, since she had a car full of groceries. I was the first of the girls to leave, walking Colleen out to her car, giving her a quick hug and climbing into my ride.

I did a quick check to see what I was wearing under my clothes. Clean, pretty, matching bra and panties with a delicate lace trim.

Good enough, I decided. Especially since he hadn’t given me any notice.