Still pumping, I bury myself inside her with a growl and my balls on fire, every muscle I own snapping as my cock swells in her depths.


I’m roaring her name a split second ahead of her release, before mine takes me so far from anything recognizably human.

We come together like a disembodied storm.




This relentless inferno races up my balls, hurling out of me in ropes, adding my molten heat to hers. I know she feels my come when she opens her mouth to scream, but she can only gasp.

That’s when I mark her.

Just lean in and sink my teeth into her shoulder, firm enough to feel it but not to break the skin.

Yes, I am a shameless lunatic for this woman.

Always have been.

Always will be.

Always gonna own her inside and out, every single molecule.

We come for ages like something wild off its chains, as if my entire body knows it’s now free to have all of her, to keep her, to love her like she’s always deserved.

We’re free to spend the rest of our lives loving like this.

The entire experience is so flawless, so spectacular, I’m boneless when it ends.

Shel collapses on top of me, kissing my chest softly. She lies there with me still inside her, barely deflating, as we both gasp for air.

Suddenly, all I’m thinking about is my jeans. They contain the other reason I came here in person, and I have to find them.

But not before I enjoy her mouth, kissing her slowly as I trace her lips into my brain for life, and gently take away every gentle, happy tear rolling down her cheeks.

* * *

When we’re both over the euphoria and able to breathe again, she lifts her head.

“How are you?” she asks, green eyes sparkling shyly.

“Fucking spectacular. I’m not sure any romp can outshine that.”

She laughs and kisses me briskly again.

“We have a lifetime to find out, don’t we?”

For a second, we stare into each other’s eyes.

Do I really want to do it like this? I wonder. Am I actually frigging nervous?

Kissing her slowly while I get my shit together, I hold her tight and say, “Yeah, about that...”

“I love you,” she whispers, settling her head on my chest.