I didn’t think I could ever want to dismember a man ten times over, but here we are. If I hadn’t already put him in a cell, I’d murder Carson Bostrom.

She knows where my gaze is and must also know where my thoughts go because as she flips back the covers, she says, “Don’t worry. It’s getting better. It’ll fade soon, and it doesn’t hurt that much.”

“I should have cut his grubby fingers off and fed them to Herc,” I say harshly, touching her shoulder as she climbs in the bed. “Shel, I’m so sorry—”

“No, don’t apologize. You’ve done enough of that for one night.” Snuggling against me, all soft curves and auburn hair, she lays her head on my shoulder.

It soothes my inner beast when I wish it wouldn’t.

“It wasn’t your fault, West. It wasn’t mine. It was Carson and that other scumbag’s and they’re both getting what they deserve,” she whispers in the darkness.

She’s right, of course.

Both of those pricks will be in prison for a long-ass time.

I need to quit overthinking things and lurching toward madness.

Still, there’s one thing I need to know. “Maybe so, but I’ve got a question.”

“Of course.”

“Where the hell did you get that nettle?”

Her laugh sounds as adorable as she looks. “Oh, that’s easy. I plucked it out of the ground by the barn, but I didn’t get a chance to throw it away before everything went nuts. It was still in my back pocket when I woke up in the semi.”

“Damn.” I shake my head. “Wait, why was it in your back pocket?”

“I shoved it in there so I could pick up a bunch of cigarette butts off the ground. Carson’s buddy wasn’t very subtle. The guy smoked like a chimney and I overheard them talking when they thought I was knocked out. I guess they planned on the big heist the night of the dance, but we showed up too soon and thwarted that plan.”

I kiss the top of her head. “We got lucky. Drake told me everything. Carson’s little buddy is singing like a parrot, pinning all the blame on Bostrom, trying like hell for a lighter sentence. No honor among thieves.”

“Nope,” she agrees, kissing the side of my neck. “Thanks again for coming to my rescue.”

“You’re welcome, but you also came to mine. If you hadn’t attacked that maniac with the weed, his aim might’ve been better and I’d have never gotten in the window and shut them down.”

“Partners in crime,” she says with a devilish grin.

I slip a hand under her tank top, find her nipple, and roll it between my fingers.

“Out of crime, too.”

“Mmm. I like the sound of that. But I told you, I’m Nurse Ratched tonight.”

Growling, I cup her breast, flicking her nipple harder. “Nurses are supposed to make their patients feel better, right?”

“Sure, and keep them from any overstrenuous activities,” she says.

I work the hem of her shirt up.

“I won’t strain myself,” I lie.

“West, you have a hole in your leg.”

Like I need a reminder.

“Lucky I don’t need that leg to fuck you into next year.” Before she can protest, I roll her on her back, pushing her shirt over her ample tits so I can suck each nipple.

Goddamn, she tastes good. My tongue wants to map her from head to toe.