“Aw, hell, if you think a flesh wound will stop me from being in you, then you’ve still got shit to learn about me.”

“Maybe so,” I say with a grin, releasing my hold on his neck and standing up. “You’ve heard of Nurse Ratched?” I tug his hands off my waist. “That’s me until that leg is healed.”

I hold his hand and pull.

“Come on, time to get you in bed. It’s been a beautiful evening but beautiful is kinda exhausting.”

He stiffens. “Will you be joining me?”

You’d better, he means. I can hear it in his tone.

“Only to sleep,” I say, fighting with everything I have to keep a straight face.

“We’ll see about that,” he grumbles.

And we do.

Before I can respond, his lips attack mine with a whirl of teeth and tongue.

The groan that shakes my throat has me wondering if he’ll always have this ability to demolish me with a single kiss.

When his lips land on my throat and he pushes me against the wall—even with a bum leg—I have my answer.

That’s a big fat hell yes.


Getting Piggy With It (Weston)

I’m so hard I could fuck Shelly Simon straight through the wall.

Kiss by vicious kiss, I strip her resistance and her clothes, falling out of mine as we stumble around the corner. She giggles, slipping into the bathroom with a look tossed over her shoulder that scalds my blood.

I can’t even feel the pain in my thigh anymore.

I just feel my own cock straining like an attack dog on a leash, hungry to split her in two.

Cursing, I shed the rest of my clothes in a fit and fall back on the bed, waiting for her to come out of that pinhole-sized bathroom.

“How long have you lived here?” I call, needing a distraction to hold my sanity together.

“Almost two years,” she answers through the closed door. “Why? Are you already claustrophobic?”

“Hell yes,” I answer, thankful again that she only came here to pack up.

She giggles. “You get used to it eventually.”

“Bull. The backroom office at my shop has more square footage, and it’s basically a closet,” I tell her.

The door opens to her smiling silhouette.

My dick jerks in my hand, my fist gliding down its length for her delight.

She’s wearing a tank top and shorts, which fit her to a T, but it’s her neck that draws my eye like a magnet.

The entire thing is black and blue.

My frown becomes a snarl.