Thinking fast, I glance at Faye, whose grin might be the only one at the table wider than Gram’s.

“Oh, just thinking about Hercules. He couldn’t get his food down fast enough this morning, and he ran right up to me wanting pets.”

“I’m over the moon to hear it!” Faye looks at Carson. “The poor boy got into something that left him with a dreadful bellyache.”

“Oh, yeah. Hercules. The pig. Same one who belongs to your nosy neighbor?” He gives me this thin, guarded smile.

I’m instantly offended.

“That’s him,” I say flatly. Just because I’ve discovered he might not be a psycho thief, doesn’t mean I have to like him. Or his sewer almonds. “The vet thought he got into some weird crappy almonds that made him pretty sick. He had us all worried.”

“Crappy almonds?” Carson echoes, lifting his chin like he’s offended.

That only incenses me more. He should be more than offended.

He should apologize, at least to us humans on Herc’s behalf.

“Yep. Almonds. I found two bags he got into just flapping around.”

For a second, he goes ashen, like he thinks I’m accusing him of some high crime.

“Oh. Well, if those came from me, I’m terribly sorry, Miss Rachel. My apologies to everyone.” Carson turns, flicking his eyes at each of us while patting his side. “I just noticed recently that I have a hole in my pocket. I tried fixing it myself, but I’m not much of a tailor.”

“A hole? Well, see here, I could stitch that up for you in a jiffy!” Faye says happily. “Thelma, where’s your sewing kit?”

“On the shelf in the sitting room,” Gram answers. “I’ll get it.”

“No, you won’t!” Faye stands and pushes away from the table. “I’ll grab it and have this young man patched right up.” She waves at Carson. “Please come with me, Mr. Hudson. It’ll only take us a minute to send you on your merry way.”

He stands, clearing his throat. “Well, if you don’t mind...I sincerely appreciate it. I’ll certainly compensate you for your services.”

“Nonsense!” Faye protests, tapping him lightly on the back and leading the way into the sitting room.

I open my mouth to protest, but know I’m letting my bias get the best of me.

I may loathe this guy, but there’s no need to cause a flap and cheat Faye out of a few bucks.

“So, what’s on the docket today?” Gram asks. “Mercy me, I’ve still been so loopy I forgot to look over the schedule last night.”

“Dishes, laundry, vacuuming, more meal prep, and cleaning the rooms,” I say, rattling everything off with a smile.

I’m a little proud I’ve been holding down the fort for so long—practically solo—that I’ve got the weekly routine memorized.

“Is there anything for dear Faye?” Gram asks with a cackle. “She’s insisting on paying her way while she’s here. I believe she wants to stay another week, at least.”

That gets a smile. I’m pumped to hear how well they’re getting along and that Gram will have company she adores longer.

“Oh, well...meal prep, maybe? I got a good start on everything this morning.” I stand and begin clearing the table. “I might go grocery shopping this afternoon to shore up our supplies. Any requests, Gram?”

“Hmm, there are some things we need. I’ll make a list,” she says, taking a pull off her coffee. “Oh! And you must zoom over there before two o’clock or that greedy Coffey woman will have gotten all the good fruit—especially the strawberries.”

I hold in a laugh while Gram sighs, shaking her head.

If she had a tail, it would be flicking the ground in irritation.

“No worries. I’ll get right on it after lunch,” I assure her. “Do you need a pen and paper for your list?”

“Yes, please.”