“I’m so glad you rescued me from being locked up in the room,” she whispers. “I could’ve been a goner.”

I snort at her teasing. “Without this dick, you mean. You were never locked up.”

“I could’ve been. Remember how you warned me?”

I kiss her, slowly untangling my lips.

“Keep talking like that and I’ll lock you up somewhere. Naked and chained up for days.”

“Hmm. Will you be with me?” She runs a fingertip over my collarbone.

I nod with a vicious glance.

The way her eyes spark cuts my last thread.

I am so boned with this chick.

So completely and utterly boned.

The joy coursing through my blood feels unlike anything else. The crash that’s coming when the afterglow fades scares me.

She can’t leave me.

Not fucking yet.

I’ll need the month or more she’s got left here to come to terms with the brutal reality of letting her go, likely forever. Just like before.

“Stop it,” she whispers.

“Stop what?”

She licks my bottom lip with a parting kiss.

“Whatever you’re thinking. You’re brooding so hard I can feel it over here, mister.”

“Yeah? And what was I brooding about, Miss Psychic?”

“Nothing good. Your eyes are a dead giveaway,” she throws back.

Then her strawberry tongue flicks out and sticks between her teeth, quietly razzing me.

A second later, I push it back into her mouth, devouring her till I can’t think about anything except how right it feels to be lost in this kiss.

Eventually we get dressed and slide off the back of the truck.

While I finish working on that last lock, she mops the hallway upstairs, reminding me I’ll have to choose somewhere more private than Aunt Faye’s house for next time.

I’ll also have to order an entire pallet of condoms.

I know.

My brain should be zeroed in on making sure this never happens again, but I already know it will. Resistance is no longer a factor.

I’ve wanted her for so long, this release took us like a howling inferno.

And once you start that kind of uncontrolled burn—once you’ve inhaled the woman who’s had you by the balls for your whole adult life and seen the sweet contortion of her face as she comes undone on your thrusts—you’ve lost all hope of containing jack shit.

I can’t extinguish this.