Every sense blurs into a churning mess as his hips punish me one more time, hitting so hard it lifts me off my toes.

He buries himself to the absolute hilt.

I can feel him through the condom as he goes off, a split second after my O douses my brain in bliss that could rival the most potent whiskey.

I obey his ragged orders.

I come for him, all right.

I come like never, ever before.

My walls milk his own volcanic passion out of him, and he swells deep inside me, over and over.

A delirium so hot it overwhelms him takes control.

I feel him with every deafening groan.

I fall deeper into every thrust.

I think I’m breaking as we savage each other, ten freaking years of desperation and need and frustration boiling out of us—or is it in?—all in one animalistic hour in a house that isn’t even ours.

What. Just. Happened?

I’m still asking when he turns me around, panting as he grasps my face with both hands and kisses me like I’m his last. His only.


“There’s one thing you need to know after that,” he growls softly.

I pause and stare, dreading some kind of regret.

“Oh? What’s that?” I whisper.

“Once won’t be enough. If we’re fucking, then I’m taking you every day you’re still here,” he says with an almost comical seriousness in his eyes.

Oh, but there’s no laughing at how his hand moves between my legs, cups my mound, and squeezes so possessively I tremble.

“Keep this ready often and on short notice. I’m so not fucking around, Shel. This is mine every waking minute you’re here, and so are you.”


Happier Than A Pig In... (Weston)

Never in my life have I needed to pinch myself till today.

Shel’s so hot, so perfect, so unbelievably tight that I’m struggling every second after that fuck to comprehend the fact that I’m not dreaming.

And now that I’ve spilled my guts—now that she knows how hopeless I am for her—I have to fight like hell not to drag her to the sofa downstairs and take her like a wild buck in rut.

Yeah. We need to get the hell out of here.

We’ve officially fucked enough in my elderly aunt’s house for this lifetime and I’m not tainting more than this floor, the wall I had her up against, and her.

Also, I’m a little worried at how fast this is evolving, just how fast I’m losing my head in a new addiction that begins and ends between her legs.

“Got one more lock to finish,” I say, grabbing our clothes off the floor and shoving hers into her arms.

She flashes me a succubus-worthy smile.