I’m a fallen mess, thoroughly wrecked, riding his hand while his lips steal moan after moan from my mouth.

I’m white static and clenched muscle, lost in an unholy scream that never quite crawls up my throat.

I’m his flipping toy—I’m not sure I’ll ever be anything else—and I’m too drunk on this high to care.

“Love it, baby,” he whispers when I’m finally almost grounded again. “Love every second of that shit so much I’ll need more. Need everything.”



I’m trembling so hard it’s a little adorable how he catches me before I hit the floor, holding me up, pulling my face over his shoulder to hook my chin.

I’m perfectly positioned to whisper in his ear, “I still want you inside me....”

He peels me back for another trip into his eyes, still glowing from the stray sunlight lancing through the window.

“Right now?” he growls quietly.

I answer wordlessly, unbuttoning his pants and shoving my hand inside his boxers.

His cock springs to life, throbbing with an agony I can feel in every impatient twitch against my hand, demanding to be in me.

“Yes. This. Inside me. Now.”

Evidently, I’m too obliterated for coherent sentences.

He kisses me again with a harshness that makes me groan, and he laughs while kicking off his boots.

Then he looks me dead in the eye and says the six sweetest words in the English language.

“I need to grab a condom.”

Damn. I hadn’t thought of that, and I’m glad he did.

He would, though, because he’s Weston.

That boy, that man, that walking marvel who always looks out for me.

While he pulls his billfold out, I fall to my knees, working at unzipping his pants. I push them down off his hips along with his boxers.

The magnificent sight of his raging hard-on—emphasis on raging—cranks my core temperature up to nuclear. I wrap a hand around him, meet his devil eyes, and stroke down his pulsing length.

“Shel!” He snarls my name like a curse. “Holy fuck...”

“My turn. I don’t have one of these to play with,” I tease, stroking him harder.

“You will in a minute,” he promises.

I watch his eyes widen gloriously as I kiss the tip of his hardness before engulfing it with my lips.

He’s so massive I have to stretch to even get a few inches in.

I’m too well aware what he’ll feel like when he finally sinks into my pussy. The needy ache between my legs just makes me suck him harder, lips spiraling down his cock, synced to my hand pumping down the base of his shaft.

He tastes the way I imagine a diamond must after it’s pulled from the ground.

Earthy. Intense. Unbreakable.