She needed little persuading after that. Ari so wanted this over. She wanted to find him. She wanted to cure her dad.

And then what?

Thankfully, Ari was distracted from the ominous thought by a ripple of power flooding over her, the unpleasant taste of dirt filling her mouth. What is that?


Heart pounding, Ari clasped her other hand around Jai’s wrist, feeling the vibrations grow deeper, stronger, nearer. She twisted her neck around, searching people that strolled past.

“Watch it,” a voice growled as a body slammed into her. A gray alien mask with its pointy chin and huge black almond-shaped eyes stared down at her blankly and Ari screamed inwardly at the pulsating power that was coming off the tall stranger in waves.


I know!

“Damn,” the voice cursed and Ari blinked in disbelief as he disappeared into the cloak.

Hauled into Jai’s arms, Ari didn’t even have time to squeeze her eyes shut as he took off. Ari, CLOAK, CLOAK!

HOLY SHIT! She bit her lips, focusing on stepping into the cloak, although she was pretty sure it was too late now.

This time when they landed, it was with a bump. The impact ripped her from Jai’s arms and she collapsed on her ass in the sandy dirt. Gaping up at Jai, who had somehow kept his feet, Ari’s heart throbbed. He stared off into the distance like a gunslinger ready to duel. She followed his glower and scrambled to her feet to face the jinn who stood before them. Around them was nothing but open New Mexico desert. The scent of sage hit her nose in the muggy atmosphere, tinged by the musky scent of animal. There was no road nearby, hardly any plantation, just red clay-colored rock mountains looming in the distance. There wasn’t even a breeze to send a shiver of foreboding down her spine.

When Ari focused on the jinn before them, it moved toward them on taloned feet. Ari’s jaw dropped. He was almost as bad as the nisnas. Freaked out, Ari backed into Jai, wishing she was more graceful. His feet must be black and blue by now. At the parade, she had been pretty sure the jinn looked like… well… a guy. Dressed bizarrely in a shirt and jeans, the jinn smirked, his face part human, part lion. The flesh of his mouth curled like an upside down love heart, reminding Ari of the Lion from The Wizard of Oz, except this guy had huge fangs overlapping his lower lip. He had human shaped eyes and nose, except where the bridge should be — like the nisnas’ it was flat. His skin was almost black, his amber eyes glowing eerily against his flesh. He pointed a long, twig-like finger at Ari. His left hand twisted downward, while his right hand twisted upward, the bones pushing against his flesh, making Ari feel queasy.

“You shouldn’t have come for me, girl. Have you no idea who I am?” his voice, to her surprise, was normal. She’d expected it to be screechy, like nails across vinyl.

Pulse throbbing visibly, Ari threw her shoulders back, pulling on all the bravery she could muster even though her legs shook so badly it was a wonder she could still stand. “You’re Pazuzu.”

He smiled horrifically. “I am Pazuzu!”

At the pronouncement a gale force wind rushed in around her and Jai, the desert storm blinding her, stinging her eyes and salting her tongue. She clamped her lips closed and threw a hand up to shield her eyes.

Ari! Jai shouted.

I’m here. I’m right here! What do we do?

Try to reach for me. I’ll get us out!

I don’t know where you are!

Beat out your arms around you, I’ll do the same!

Okay! Ari flapped her arms around her like a blindfolded idiot determined to hit the piñata at a child’s birthday party.

I don’t think so, little girl. Pazuzu’s voice echoed into her mind. How dare you HUNT me! I’ll show you what it feels to be an animal caught in a trap.

A slice of pain cut through Ari’s cheek and she cried out, sand and wind whipping up against the open wound. Another one, another one, another! Slice, slash, gash after gash, laceration after laceration ripped open Ari’s skin until she screamed and collapsed in agony as her whole body went up in torturous stings and flames.

ARI! Jai was yelling frantically in her head. At the same time, Pazuzu filled it with his laughter.

She was in too much pain to call back to Jai, shuddering on the ground as the desert storm ate at her wounds. Torment writhed through her, so much so, she was barely even cognizant when the storm dissipated.

Jai leaned over her, his face pale, his hands hovering above her as if afraid to touch her.

“Ari,” he choked out her name, his eyes so full of worry and horror, she knew she must look ravaged. She wanted to reassure Jai, but she could only bite her lip, tears streaming over her lids. It felt as if her insides had been turned outside.