“Elaine’s folks probably have imported soap from some remote mountain village.” He held me closer.

“Don’t stress.” I tipped my head back against his shoulder. “She loves Brandon. She’ll love you too, and if she doesn’t, she’s the wrong kind of genius.”

“Thanks. You’re kind.” He kissed my ear. “What do you say to a shower in the master bath? We both got all sweaty with this last-minute cleaning round, and thanks to you, we’re actually ahead of schedule.”

“We are.” Spinning, I looped my arms around his neck. “But that sounds like a recipe for getting dirty, not clean.”

“We can multitask.” He kissed me, and I watched us in the mirror, wanting to memorize how damn hot we looked, even rumpled and dusty from the morning of cleaning. Well, I was the rumpled mess with smudged glasses while the hot part was mainly Paul, all muscles and silver scruff that somehow got even more attractive sweaty. And in that moment, he was all mine. Guess I found some fox bait. I couldn’t help the little giggle that bubbled up.

“My kissing is funny?” Grinning, Paul pulled back. “I clearly need to try harder.”

“You’re plenty hard.” I bumped meaningfully against him. “I was merely amused at how good we looked in the mirror.”

“We could look even better.” Paul swept his gaze over the mirror, sexy speculation rising in his eyes.

“Not here.” Chuckling but also serious, I squirmed away. “We just cleaned.”

“The master bath has a mirror too.” He tugged me out of the hall bathroom, and we were halfway to his room when his phone buzzed. “Fuck.”

“Better check before I distract you further.” My back prickled. Somehow, I knew it was Brandon even before Paul pulled out his phone and cursed.


“What?” I asked as he clicked around on the screen.

“Their connecting flight got canceled because of weather in the Midwest. They couldn’t get a different one out until tomorrow.”

“That sucks.” My shoulders slumped right along with Paul’s. Damn weather. Paul didn’t need any more disappointments in his life.

“Yeah, it does. Brandon’s trying to find other options, but it’s looking like tomorrow afternoon at the soonest.”

“That still puts them here in time for his big Christmas plans.” I deliberately brightened my tone.

“Which is good, except he was supposed to sneak out to pick up the ring tomorrow morning in Center City while Elaine had a manicure date with a friend from undergrad.”

“She’s totally expecting the ring if she’s getting pretty nails. I don’t think Brandon has to worry about the yes.”

“Yeah, but now he might not have the ring.” Paul glanced down at his phone as it chimed again. “He’s asking if I can do it today. That way the ring is here at the house at least.”

“That’s a good idea.”

“Hope I can beat rush hour.” Groaning, he leaned against the doorframe to the master bedroom. “And good luck finding parking near Franklin Square this time of year, but God knows I hate being on the train’s timetable even more.”

Optimism returning, I touched his arm. “That’s close to where my grandfather’s shop was. I love that area.”

“Don’t suppose you’d want a trip downtown?” Paul seized my hint, exactly like I’d hoped. “I bet you speak fancy jeweler better than me too.”

“Flattery gets you everywhere.” I laughed like I actually needed convincing for this field trip. Technically, I could volunteer to do the errand without Paul, but company, especially his, was always preferable.

“Good.” He pulled me close enough to kiss my head.

“We can take my car for a change. Way easier to park.” My mind leaped ahead to the practical details, but my insides stayed strangely buoyant. I didn’t want to wish bad weather on Brandon and Elaine, but if it delayed my return to my empty house and got me more time with Paul, I was at least going to enjoy the change in plans. “If we hurry, we can still shower, then I can grab some more suitable clothes at my place.”

“Do jewelers have dress codes?” Paul harrumphed a sigh. “You’re totally gonna make me wear something with buttons, aren’t you?”

“Poor Paul. Such torture.” I patted his fuzzy jaw. “Do you even own a dress shirt?”

“I’ll have you know I do.”