
I was so happy to be back on decent footing with Gideon that I almost forgot I’d never been upstairs at his place. We passed a room with an enormous cat tree and enough computer equipment to power a small space station, but I didn’t slow down until we were in Gideon’s room. Like the rest of the place, it was very finished in feel. Mulberry walls, big four-poster bed, matching dresser and nightstands, and extremely Gideon decor.

“Your bedding is plaid.” I’d been about to grab him for a kiss, but I had to stop and laugh. His bedding matched some of his ties and his Christmas pajamas and had smart piping along the edges. “I love it.”

“Happy to amuse you.” Gideon shut the door behind us. “Making sure the cat doesn’t come investigating. Are your guests going to notice you’re gone?”

“Nope.” I pulled him to me. “I saw to Jim before I went for the coffee, and Elaine and Brandon have plans for a brunch with friends from Brandon’s undergrad program. I’m all yours.”

“Good.” He looped his arms around my neck as I fiddled with the double knot in his robe belt.

“At first, I thought your robe was ridiculously stuffy. But now…” I trailed off as I finally got the knot free and could use both ends of the belt to draw him even closer against me.

“And now?”

“Now it gives me ideas.” Lowering my head, I nipped at his neck while holding tight to the belt, but Gideon frowned.

“Is that why we never did this sooner? You thought I was too uptight?”

Busted. Damn it. I didn’t want to lose this mood and easy peace between us, but I couldn’t lie either. “I was wrong. Honestly, your genius exterior is a little intimidating. Plus, I didn’t realize how enjoyable your bossiness could be or how much fun I’d have unwrapping you. I definitely underestimated you for far too long. I’m sorry.”

“I’m hardly that scary,” Gideon scoffed, not looking at all reassured. “And I can be casual. I own jeans.”

“Don’t change, Gideon.” I dropped the belt so I could cup his face instead. My stomach cramped. I hated that I’d hurt him. “Not for me. Keep the robe. And the slippers. And the drawer of bow ties. I love them.”

“Really?” He narrowed his eyes, but a small smile teased the corners of his mouth.

“Yeah.” I kissed him then because I was better at action than words, which I seemed to keep screwing up. Either I said the wrong thing or not enough things or had bad timing, but kissing, that I could get right. His cheeks were scratchy with morning stubble, but his lips were soft. I sank into the kiss, holding him close, trying to engrave all these confusing feelings of mine onto his soul.

I tried to tell him with my mouth that I’d do better to find the right words. He deserved that. And maybe I couldn’t write him poetry, but I could put it into my touch, my lips, my very breath. He tasted familiar, like a memory I hadn’t known I’d had until our first kiss. Funny how I’d avoided him for so long when now I felt like I’d known him forever.

“I’m not the only one too bundled up.” Releasing a breathy sigh, he shoved at my shirts. “How many layers do you have on anyway?”

“Too many.” Laughing, I pulled off my undershirt, thermal shirt, and overshirt all at once. Because he wasn’t the only one with quirks, I set my clothes on a low chaise near the foot of the bed as we both stripped. I was careful with my pants, remembering what I had in my pocket. Later. I wasn’t slowing down now for more talking, and maybe later I’d have finally found the right words.

“That’s much better.” Naked, he tugged me back to face him so he could give a rather possessive kiss. Perhaps we still had some things to work out, but the return of his bossy ways was reassuring. If he wanted to claim me, I’d happily let him. Heck, he could slap one of his color-coded labels on me. I was all his, and I tried to tell him that with my lips as the kiss built and built, one turning into ten turning into both of us panting. “Bed. Now.”

He gently pushed me onto the mattress, and I readily scrambled to the center so there was room for him. I stretched out against the pillows, fisting my cock and giving it several slow strokes as Gideon took his sweet time joining me.

“See?” I asked as he retrieved condoms and lube from the nightstand. My cock pulsed harder as the items landed next to me on the bed. “I like you bossy plenty.”

“I don’t always have to be in charge.” Gideon wriggled in next to me, on his side, and when I turned toward him, he used my momentum to pull me on top of him. He looked up with such wonder and adoration that my breath caught. Damn. My luck had indeed changed for the better, and I was going to do my damnedest to appreciate him.

“Keep looking at me like that and you can have whatever you’d like.” My voice was gruff as I swept my hands down his sides. “Be in charge. Or not. Whatever does it for you.”

“You. You do it for me.” He kissed me hungrily, strong arms holding me tighter against him. He smelled warm and cozy, scent as familiar as his taste and equally as good at driving me out of my mind. Wrapping his legs around my hips, he shifted until our cocks dragged past each other, a slow grind with each kiss.

“Now.” His voice was breathless and husky. “Want you in me.”

“Like this?” I asked, moving back slightly to give him room to move if he wanted. We’d only ever done this with him on top of me, which I loved, him riding me hard and fast, but I was happy enough to change it up.

“Yeah.” He licked his lips as he reached for the lube. “Let me…”

“Do it.” I slid back into more of a kneeling position so he had space to pull his legs back and use his hand to lube himself up. He was more aggressive than I would have been, going right to two fingers and thrusting them deep as he moaned low and urgent. “Fuck. You’re the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

I made quick work of the condom, then slowed down, enjoying his show, tracing his rim with a fingertip, brushing against his hand as he worked himself open. He must have liked that because he made a desperate noise.

“You’re plenty hot too. Come here.” Spreading his legs wider, he tilted his ass up, a clear offering. So fucking hot. And such a gift. Somehow I knew he didn’t do it this way very often, and his trust in me was every bit as sexy as his lewd display. I didn’t want to ever let him down again, and I had to swallow hard as I moved into position.