“Mine?” She looked under the tree where the stack had dwindled to only a few remaining gifts.

“Better check the Christmas train.” Brandon snagged the remote for the train, starting it going, but instead of the crackly Christmas carol it had played previously, a popular pop ballad accompanied the train around the tree.

“Oh my gosh.” Elaine’s smile widened. “It’s playing our song.”

“Sorry, Paul.” Brandon spared a sheepish look in my direction. “I might have temporarily reprogrammed your train.”

“It’s fine,” I said right as Elaine discovered the small box riding in one of the freight cars. The jewelry store had wrapped it in gold paper with a shiny bow as Brandon had requested, and it looked impressive in Elaine’s palm.

“Ooh.” She touched the bow with a delicate finger, expression cautious like the box might suddenly transform into a puppy if she wasn’t careful.

“Open it,” Brandon urged. She complied, but so slowly that I bet Brandon died a million little deaths waiting for her to reveal the ring. Her eyes went wide as she sucked in a breath.

“Is this…?”

“Elaine, will you marry me?” Brandon’s voice went wobbly. They were both already sitting, but he moved to more of a kneeling position in front of her. “You’re the best thing to ever happen to me, and I want to spend forever telling you how lucky I am to have found you.”

Her mouth made a perfect circle, but no sound came out. And she held the position so long it went from comical to worrying. This wasn’t the ready yes I’d expected, and even Gideon looked worried, leaning forward. He’d been snapping pictures on his phone, but he paused, mouth clamping shut like he was working to not speak. I shared the impulse because I was tempted to prod Elaine into an answer, but at the same time, there was nothing to do but wait.

Jim nosed at her hand, and she glanced down as Brandon made a sound that was somewhere between a cough and moan. Fuck. He was about to get his heart broken, and there was nothing I could do about it. All my years of looking out for him, and I still didn’t have magical powers to keep him from pain. I hadn’t felt this helpless in years. Next to me, Gideon scooted closer, grabbed my hand.

“Elaine?” Brandon finally asked in a strangled tone.

“Oops.” Folding forward, she released a giddy laugh. “Yes. Of course, yes.”

The entire room exhaled, relief sweeping through the space so swiftly, I swore the tree branches swayed. My eyes were burning. That never happened. Ever. Gideon squeezed my hand.

“You sure?” Brandon’s voice was soft as fake snow.

“Yes. Sorry. I’ve played this out in my head so many times…” She was still laughing, a sort of near-hysterical giggle. “Funny. I never expected to be so dumbstruck that I couldn’t speak. That wasn’t in any of my fantasies. But yes. I’m absolutely a yes.”

“Oh, thank God.” Brandon embraced her, more him collapsing against her than a hug even, and she kissed the top of his head.

“I was always a yes. From day one.”

“I didn’t want to assume…” He trailed off, still breathing hard.

“Oh, don’t get me wrong. I love the train and the ring. I definitely wanted a proposal. But I was always going to say yes, even if you’d gone the jumbotron at a sporting event route.”

“Paul talked me out of the flash mob.” Brandon finally managed a laugh of his own.

“Good. I’m glad.” She kissed him again, and Gideon snapped another few pictures of them.

“Congratulations.” He grinned at them. “Ready for some celebratory breakfast?”

“Waffles are supposed to top that?” I joined the laughter. Laughter helped. I had too many feels still, and I didn’t like the overwhelming emotions one bit. “Better lower the expectations for my cooking.”

“But you have Gideon.” Elaine’s eyes danced. “I trust the waffles to be spectacular.”

“This is true.” Left to my own devices, we’d be having pancakes from a boxed mix, but he elevated my game, made everything that much more special. And I was so, so glad he’d been here with me to witness the proposal. I had no idea how to start processing everything rattling around in my brain, let alone put together the sort of pretty thank-you speech Gideon undoubtedly deserved. I settled for kissing his cheek, hoping like hell he’d understand even if words failed me.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

We surprised Dad with a new recliner! The old one is at the bottom of our drive with a FREE sign on it! First come, first served! ~Jean Clark posted to the What’s Up Neighbor app


“Maybe these waffles truly are magical.” Elaine helped herself to a third. The four of us were sitting at the kitchen island, feast spread out before us.