“Tip your head back. Want to kiss you.” Licking my ear, he made a happy noise when I complied. His mouth found mine, there in the dark, outside lights dancing over us, and it was indeed perfect. His kiss, hot and urgent. His hand on my cock, sure and strong. His thrusts against me, purposeful and possessive.

“Oh. I like this.” I let out a breathy laugh against his lips.

“Don’t sound so surprised.” He kissed the side of my face before shifting slightly so that his cock rode between my thighs, dragging against my crack and balls in a way that made electricity zoom up my spine with each thrust.

“I’m definitely lit up.” I tried to laugh, but it came out more of a moan when he tightened his grip on my cock. “Fuck.”


“Oops.” I turned my head so I could bury any more noises in the pillow, and we lay like that for several long minutes, him moving against me while stroking my cock with long leisurely pulls. I tried to lie back and let the pleasure gather slowly, but it was all too good, and eventually, I started pushing back against him.

“Gideon,” he whispered desperately against my neck. “You’re going to get me off.”

“Yes. Please.” Usually, I’d be the one in control of the pace, and being at his mercy was surprisingly sexy, waiting for him to let go. My cock was desperate for him to speed up his hand, but patience was its own kind of tortuous pleasure.

“You too.” And like he’d read my silent pleas, he did increase his rhythm, thrusts harder, hand faster. “Come on.”

“That. Like that,” I whispered, my breathing as harsh as his. He added a tighter grip at the top of each stroke, and staying quiet and patient became increasingly impossible. I bit the pillow to keep from moaning, but then he guided my head back for a kiss. His hand was hot on my neck. Possessive. Greedy, the way he kissed me deeply while thrusting faster.

“Yes.” And I was his for the taking, moving with him, faster and faster and faster until we were swallowing each other’s moans. He seemed hell-bent on getting me off first, but it was only when his thrusts started to stutter that I let his hand take me over the edge. My orgasm went on and on, endless gentle waves as he milked my cock with his hand and gradually slowed his movements. And still, we kissed, trading little gasps and chuckles.

“Beautiful,” I sighed as we finally broke apart, sticky and messy and absolutely wonderfully perfect.

“You make me want year-round lights.” Paul kissed my shoulder. I hadn’t meant the view, hadn’t even opened my eyes in several long minutes. Paul might want more Christmas, but I wanted more him. I wanted every damn thing he had to give.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Did Santa come to your house? Remember to properly dispose of all boxes and wrapping paper! Trash collection is on the usual day, and let’s not make too much extra work for our loyal sanitation workers! ~Cheryl Bridges posted to the What’s Up Neighbor app


Christmas morning dawned with a fresh layer of snow, and even Jim seemed to understand that today was different, taking care of her business in record time and bounding back up the stairs to where Brandon and Elaine were emerging from the guest room.

“Waffles or presents?” Gideon asked as he too made his way into the hall. He was back in his matching pajamas, every button perfectly straight, no thanks to me who’d tried to lure him back to bed before Jim had had other ideas.

“Breakfast?” Brandon scoffed. “Who would want food first?”

“Says the always-hungry guy who could live on Christmas candy if I let him.” Elaine gave him a fast kiss on the cheek. They were in matching thermal pajamas, red and white print with cartoon elves on the shirts. Maybe there were worst fates than plaid.

“Your pajamas are the cutest thing ever.” Gideon whipped out his phone to do a picture as Elaine struck a pose. Bossy as ever, he’d dug through my dresser until he found green plaid flannel pants and a gray T-shirt I’d forgotten I owned that had a fir tree on it. The shirt was advertising a local nursery we used for the business, but it had been seasonal enough to satisfy Gideon’s critical eye.

We all trooped downstairs, Jim leading the way, making our way to the living room.

“Stockings!” Elaine made a delighted noise like the presents had actually arrived by sleigh. After our walk the night before, we’d all pretended not to notice as one by one, we’d snuck gifts under the tree and trinkets into stockings. Similarly, I’d pretended to stay asleep when Gideon had left the bed in the middle of the night. I’d done my own Santa work while Jim had been outside, and I was rather proud of the fact that I’d thought to tell Gideon to grab a stocking from his place. That had earned me an eye roll, but it was worth it to see all four in a neat row on the mantel.

“Santa came!” Brandon was as happy as Elaine, and the two of them were first to grab their stockings after Elaine took a picture of the mantel. “And see? Candy!”

He swiped the comically oversized candy cane I’d stuck in his stocking and broke off a piece.

“Check yours,” I said to Gideon as the other two emptied their stockings in front of them. I wasn’t all bouncy like Elaine, but my stomach was strangely fluttery. I hadn’t even needed the reminder of an entry on Gideon’s spreadsheet to remember to pick up a few things for stockings. It was still his fault, though, how he had me in a Christmas state of mind.

“Hey, he gets cookies.” Brandon pointed as Gideon revealed a pack of mini-whoopie pies in a chocolate-and-peppermint combination.

“I can share.” Gideon’s cheeks were pink as he handed Brandon one of the cookies. “Your brother is obsessed with this new bakery.”

“And you got cat treats.” Elaine laughed. The bakery had been a special stop, but the cat stuff was because I’d been in the pet aisle for Jim, and the cat on the tuna treat bag looked a little like Gideon’s. And maybe I felt guilty that I’d been keeping Gideon from his place so much.

“Butterscotch says thank you,” Gideon said primly, but his eyes were pleased.