We talked so long at dinner that it was well after dark before we returned home to our twinkling neighborhood. Franklin Square had been more spectacular with acres of lights, but I preferred the homey familiarity here.

“You win,” I said as Gideon parked near his garage. “That dinner was worth the stress of getting the ring.”

“It was good, wasn’t it?” He smiled at me, but he seemed a little tired, shoulders sagging and eyes drooping.

“Even the cannoli.” I winked, fully intending to hustle him up to bed in short order. All the driving had to be exhausting. Thanks to Gideon’s timers, the lights on both our houses were glowing brightly and his small tree sparkled in the front window like it was waiting to welcome a party. Or maybe just Gideon. I probably wasn’t ever getting as lighting-happy as Gideon, but I was starting to understand why he liked coming home to his decorations. “Your tree looks nice.”

“It does.” He still sounded weary, exiting the car slowly and standing in the driveway to admire the lights. “Guess I should sleep in my own bed for once.”

Darn. I had kept him over most of the previous week. Jim had likely seen more of him than his cat, and that wasn’t fair of me. Trying for a neutral tone, I nodded. “All right.”

If he was already exhausted, I wasn’t going to add my disappointment to his burden, but when he turned to go inside with little more than a nod in my direction, I stopped him with a hand on his coat sleeve.

“No good-night kiss? Did I do something?”

“Oh. Sorry. No, I’m not mad at you.” He grinned as he pulled me close, but his expression still looked a little tight. I wanted to follow up on his mood, but then his mouth was sliding across mine, and I was lucky to remember my own name. We were in full view of the neighborhood, standing there between our houses, yet we kissed like we were locked in my bedroom.

He started soft like he truly was intending a fast goodnight, but then his mouth parted on a gasp, and next thing I knew, our tongues were playing tag, and I was harder than the icicles dripping from the nearby tree. I held him closer against me, and he clung to my shoulders, and still, we kissed.

“Damn.” Breathing hard, Gideon pulled back only far enough to rest his lips against my cheek. “Why do you have to be so good at this?”

“Give me ten minutes to let Jim out and stow the ring in my safe, and then I can come over,” I suggested, giving up all attempts to play this cool. I needed him too damn badly.

“You want to come over?” His eyebrows flew up higher than his foggy glasses, but he didn’t sound uninterested in the prospect.

“Well, yeah.” Skin heating, I ran a hand along the back of his head, letting his silky hair filter through my fingers. Neither of us had grabbed our gloves on our way out of the car, and it was too cold for these outdoor shenanigans, but hell if I could resist one more quick kiss. “If you need to be home tonight, I get it. Your cat probably misses you. But maybe we could make out in front of your tree before I have to get back to Jim?”

“I’d like that,” he said quietly, eyes pleased and mouth soft and kissable and so tempting.

“Ten minutes,” I promised.

And at nine minutes and change, I arrived back at Gideon’s side door. I’d left Jim with a rare treat of a long-lasting chew as an apology for hurrying her up outside, and the ring was locked in the basement safe.

“Hey.” Gideon had removed his tie and shoes, which only made me want to unbutton him further. “You really want to see my tree? I could come to your place.”

“I really want to see you.” I kicked off my own boots, set them next to the door. “The tree is a bonus.”

“Well, the tree’s ornaments are probably more worthy of admiration.” Expression strangely guarded, Gideon led me through the kitchen and dining room into the living room.

“Trust me, I plan to appreciate your ornament plenty,” I teased, wanting to find that light and easy place we’d been in earlier. All the lamps tucked into corners and little decorating touches here and there made his place warm and inviting. Every time I visited, I noticed something different, but right then, all my attention was for Gideon.

He stopped near the tree, drawing the curtains closed, and as soon as he finished, I swooped in for a kiss that took up right where we left off in the driveway. I used all the things I knew he liked, my lips and teeth and tongue, until he shuddered in my arms.

“Couch. Now.” Spinning him slightly, I pushed Gideon onto the sofa. But instead of sitting next to him, I knelt in front of him, nudging his knees apart.

“What are you about?” he asked in a husky voice. He trailed a finger along my jaw, ruffling my beard.

“Maybe you’re not the only one who has big ideas.” Winking at him, I ran my hands up his thighs, spreading his legs farther.

“Oh?” Wiggling around, he got more comfortable, ass sliding toward me and back pushing into the overstuffed cushions. “Your turn to be bossy?”

“Uh-huh.” I nuzzled against his lap. His dick was already hard and straining inside his dress pants, and the combination of hard cock and slick fabric made my blood thrum. “You stay there, enjoy the lights, and let me play.”

This wasn’t the first time I’d sucked him, but he usually preferred blowing me first then giving me a quick taste. Which was hot as fuck, and I loved that and sixty-nine both, but tonight, I wanted to focus on him. Holding his gaze, I slowly unbuckled his belt and unzipped his fly. I rubbed my face against his black briefs, which were a step up from my own basic cotton boxer briefs. The soft, slippery fabric dragged against my lips, and a desperate noise escaped my throat.

“I’m enjoying the view, that’s for sure.” Keeping his eyes locked on mine, he bumped his hips forward as I withdrew his cock. The heft of his shaft in my hand made me even harder. He fit my fist so perfectly, letting me jack the shaft while teasing the head with my thumb. Holding him loosely, I ran my tongue along my fingers, loving his low moan. “Fuck. Might need to count reindeer if you’re going to do that.”

“Count away.” The last of my laughter died as I swallowed him down. My cock ached from the weight of him on my tongue, the hint of salty precome near his tip, and the soft moans escaping his parted lips. I sucked harder, trying to find a rhythm that would drive him wild without ending this too fast.