REMINDER: Can people with deliveries PLEASE ask the truck drivers to respect the driveways of others? We noticed some neighbors were blocked in for over twenty minutes today. ~ Ernest Morrison posted to the What’s Up Neighbor app


“Did it arrive?” I asked breathlessly as Paul opened the side door. I’d come over as quickly as I could, but a networking emergency had kept me at work longer than I would have liked. Then a fast trip to the store and quick attention to an indifferent Butterscotch before I hurried across the drive.

“Hello to you too, Gideon.” Laughing, Paul ushered me into the kitchen, which smelled divinely like garlic and butter. “How was your day?”

“Oops. Sorry.” I set my brown paper bag on a corner of the counter before kicking off my shoes to set them next to his boots. “When you texted to ask if I was coming over, I didn’t mean to presume…”

“Presume away. Please.” He smiled, but the lines around his eyes and mouth were deeper than usual, even his beard looking a little weary. “You eager to see my new bed is the highlight of my day. Damn. It was a long one.”

“What went wrong?” Crossing over to where he stood by the stove, I then rubbed his meaty shoulders.

“This cold snap isn’t helping any for one thing.”

“Even with your insulated coveralls?” I teased. He’d insisted I borrow a pair Saturday night, and not only had they kept me toasty warm, but I wasn’t sure I’d ever had a more romantic gesture. Oh, maybe some wouldn’t see the romance in Paul filling his big thermos with tea and plying me with extra-thick gloves, but I’d felt so cared for I’d practically floated into his place hours later, where I’d proceeded to show him my extreme gratitude with my mouth. Best Saturday night in a long time.

And now it was a new week, still nasty weather, but Paul hadn’t gotten tired of me yet, so there was that. He stretched into my touch, groaning loud enough to startle Jim, who was having her dinner in the corner.

“I had on more layers than a head of cabbage and my feet are still half-frozen.” Paul rolled his shoulders in a none-too-subtle bid for more. “And supplies for one project are delayed, so I had to be on the phone way more than I like and had to rush to make it back here to deal with the mattress delivery crew.”

“Oh, poor baby. You had to deal with people.” I craned my neck so my lips were near his ear. “My turn to warm you up properly tonight.”

“I’ll take that.” He pivoted toward me, turning my chaste kiss on his temple into something feral and potent when he found my mouth with his. But right when I was ready to yank him toward the stairs, he released me. “However, I’m testing a recipe for dinner. Like you said last week, I don’t want to serve anything I haven’t made at least once before.”

I was amazed Paul remembered a damn thing from our menu planning session because even with a stack of notes on my phone, all I remembered from that evening were the toe-curling kisses and five-star-worthy orgasms.

“Mmm.” I made a pleased noise as I looped my arms around his neck. “You invited me over to see your new bed and you’re going to feed me? Oh my.”

“I plan to make you work it off after,” he said huskily, giving me another quick hard kiss before turning his attention back to the stove.

“Of course. I can stage the guest room—”

“You know what I meant.” He waved the spatula at me.

“Oh. That.” I played dumb for the sheer purpose of earning one of his patented scowls. Once he was all mock grumpy, I hugged him from behind. “I’d be in favor of late dinner. Just saying.”

“It’s a spinach Parmesan stuffed chicken breast and mashed potatoes.” He gestured at the bubbling pot on the stove before removing a large cast-iron skillet from the oven. “This recipe was way too fiddly. But it’s almost ready. We better taste-test it while it’s fresh.”

“I bet Brandon loves whatever you cook. Elaine too,” I praised as he plated the food. “The place is looking amazing.”

“Thanks to you.” Voice distracted, he arranged the chicken on the potatoes.

“No, thanks to you. I’m not the one who did all the rehab work. I’m more like…the garnish.” I swiped a cherry tomato from the salad on my plate.

“Yeah, well, apparently I like garnish.” He gave me a fast kiss on the head before carrying the pair of plates to the dining room. My head tingled from the kiss, a good feeling that radiated down my spine. I’d been so worried about him seeing my place. But every time I was certain Paul was about to head for the hills, he surprised me most pleasantly. He might like my flourishes and finishing touches, but I liked him, a scary-yet-wonderful thought that carried me through dinner.

He told me about the supplier delays, and I told him about the network malfunction, and it was so cozy, I was practically vibrating with happiness by the time we were on to clean up.

“Now dessert.” I grabbed the brown bag I’d brought in with me off the counter.

“I was wondering what was in the bag.” He shut the dishwasher and dried his hands.

“A big slice of checkerboard cake to share.” I held up the cake and then removed the other two items, watching closely for his reaction.

“Condoms?” he asked as a big grin spread across his face.

“And lube. I came prepared to break in your bed.”