“Demanding.” I shook my head simply to make him whine. “Ask nice.”

“Please.” He leaned over for a lightning-fast kiss on my cheek. He could have gone for my mouth, heated things up in a hurry, but the sweetness of the cheek kiss melted even more of those frozen places inside me.

“Yeah.” My voice came out all rough as I flipped the switch for the train. It chugged around the track, little engine working hard, real train sounds filling the room. For an instant, I was seven or eight again, long before Brandon, when it was just me and an old train chugging around my room. The years had long since swept away most of those memories, but now they were back, that same quiver of excitement at the train rounding the bend. “Well, would you look at that?”

“Wow. It’s so pretty.” Exhaling, Gideon dropped his head to my shoulder. “Exactly how I pictured it.”

“You’ve got a good imagination.” I didn’t. I hadn’t pictured this. Hadn’t pictured him. Hadn’t realized how much I needed this until I was here, arm around him, train sounds filling my once-empty room, soft lights bouncing off the walls.

“I do.” He sent a longing glance toward my couch, head digging in more against my collarbone. “But even the best imagination can benefit from proper…inspiration.”

The brush of his hair against my neck was enough to make me shiver. “Quit looking at my couch, Gideon.”

“Oh. Sorry. Um, maybe I should go…” He tried to pull away, but I wouldn’t let him.

“I didn’t mean leave. I meant I have a bedroom.”

His grin was more dazzling than any of the ornaments on the tree. “You do.”

Chapter Sixteen

It’s going to be a cold one tonight! Remember to take steps so your pipes don’t freeze! ~ Cheryl Bridges posted to the What’s Up Neighbor app.


“Is your cat fed?” Paul asked, all serious as he turned off the train before we both stood up. Fireworks went off inside me. Apparently, I wasn’t only being invited to see the bedroom but to sleep over. Score. I would have been happy with a couch make-out session in front of the tree, but now I was ecstatic.

“Yes. Fed. Litter. Water. He’s fiercely independent, despite all my efforts to the contrary.” I beamed at Paul, not even trying to cover my delight. “He’ll be fine until morning.”

“Good.” And then he was on me, backing me toward the stairs even as he kissed me fiercely. I liked Paul all compliant and taking orders, but I fucking loved him on the verge of losing control. Desperate. Hungry.

Like me. I kissed him back, yanking at his shirt. Ever helpful, he pulled it off, tucking it under one arm before tugging me up three steps. Then another kiss. And another. His hands were rough, and his mouth was urgent as he pulled me tight against him. He was deliciously hard, and the temptation to blow him right here on his polished staircase was high. But I did like both our necks in one piece.

“Let’s not do it on the stairs,” I said, breathless and dazed as I broke the kiss.

“Yeah. Don’t want to fall.” His voice was gruff before he grabbed me for another kiss. Then a mad dash to his room, our sock-covered feet sliding on his hardwoods, making me feel young and even more reckless.

Giggling like this was my first time, I collapsed against him the second the door shut. He’d flipped the light on, a soft glow warming up the sparsely furnished room. Double bed that really did need that upgrade and soon, gray bedding, single bedside table and wooden chair in the corner. His bare chest was warm against me, and I had to step back so I could get a better look.

“Fuck. You’re hot.” Fuzzier than I would have guessed with a few gray strands here and there. Dark nipples. Sculpted muscles. Clearly not loving the scrutiny, Paul turned to come around me, revealing a tattoo. That was unexpected, especially for Mr. Frugal, but there was a Victorian-looking angel on his upper left shoulder blade. His mom. My breath caught. “Your tat is beautiful.”

“Thanks.” His tight smile said he wasn’t taking questions. Instead, he wrapped his arms around me, undoing my tie. “Your turn.”

“Afraid I’m not as much to look at.” I gasped as he made fast work of my buttons, peeling off my shirt.

“Your dress shirts drive me crazy,” he growled against the back of my neck. “You’re plenty hot under them too.”

He nipped at my shoulder before taking my shirt and tie to join his clothes on a nearby wooden chair.

I had to laugh. “I’m charmed that even urgent lust can’t get you to put clothes on the floor.”

“Urgent lust, huh?” Returning to stand in front of me next to the bed, he kissed me slow and sweet, the brush of our bare chests almost too much but not nearly enough either.

“Hurry up and get your pants on the chair,” I ordered, breaking away to undo his belt.

“Lucky you’re so cute when bossy.” He obeyed, shedding his jeans before eyeing my pants meaningfully. “You too.”

But I needed a second to appreciate his powerful thighs and flat abs and that cock. My mouth watered. Cut with a broad head and the sort of width I loved. Not porn-star huge, but more than enough for me. Perfect.