Page 25 of Xposed


“Want me to kill them and get rid of the bodies, Doc?” After asking the question, the man punched Clay in the stomach with enough force to knock the air from his lungs and then, so Levi wouldn’t feel left out, landed a right hook to his jaw. “I don’t know who this one dumb fuck is but this one,” he gouged Levi, “was supposed to be one of us. I’ll enjoy doing both of ‘em, but he’ll suffer the most.”

The Doctor, dressed smartly in his expensive Italian suit, paced back and forth in front of Levi and Clay. His hands were tucked behind his back like he was addressing a patient or Board of Directors…not a worry in the fucking world. His steps were casual. A slight grin curved his medically plumped lips. There was nothing about the man that looked like he’d been born with it.

“No, no, Austin,” the Doctor said. “Let’s learn a bit more about our friends before we start enjoying them.” He pointed toward Levi. “This one, I feel confident, is a fed.” He sidled up to Clay—close…but not close enough. “If I’m not mistaken, this one is a hired merc.” He stroked his perfectly shaped chin. “Now, the question to answer is why would a fed and a merc be working together? I’d always heard feds were snobs and mercs were team-oriented, but only worked with their personal team. What a conundrum we have.” The Doctor kept his eyes on Clay but addressed Austin when he said, “Have your men found the younger man and his brothers.” He turned his attention to Levi and a slow smile spread across his face. “The whore that worked the brothel—a friend of the fed if I’m reading the feral expression on his face right now.”

“I’ll fucking rip you to shreds if you lay a hand on him or his brothers,” Levi threatened. “You’re already a dead man, Doc, but I can make your demise go much slower if you fuck with me or mine.”

The Doctor laughed. “You are a most humorous man, Levi Trace. From where I’m standing, you or your merc aren’t in any position to make threats, demands, or even friendly suggestions. As always, I hold all the cards.” He turned to Austin. “Go. Make sure Hollister and his brothers are taken care of, as well. I have a few errands. Make sure they are all here by the time I return.” The Doctor turned and winked at Clay. “Bring me the blind man. If I’m not mistaken, both these boys are smitten with him. I’ve heard lots of things but want to come to my own conclusion as to whether he lives or dies. If he lives, he’ll remain with me as my pet. I’ve heard he’s quite…striking…even if practically worthless with his blindness.”

Clay growled and wrestled against the chains holding him captive. He sure the fuck didn’t think that Indi was helpless but didn’t want to take any chances with the man he loved.


He thought it…out loud in his head.

He was in love with Indigo Banks. A man. Clay’s man.

Clay leveled his eyes on the Doctor. “You will be making a serious mistake if you go after Judas.”

“Awww, aren’t the two of you just so fucking cute trying to take care of your men? Maybe, just maybe, you all shouldn’t have suckered them into your lives—especially a fucking blind guy! You must not really care for him at all, Mr. Merc.”

Clay laughed. It was an evil laugh but laced with pride. “Oh, I care for him,” Clay remarked. “It isn’t him I’m worried about. I feel sorry for that dumbass team you’re going to send over to try and pick up Hollister and Judas.”

It was the Doctor’s turn to laugh. “Hollister is pretty to look at, but he certainly is more of a lover than a fighter. I’m certain my men won’t have trouble bringing them in, as you say.”

“Hollister isn’t the one you need to worry about, you dumb fuck. It’s the one you keep calling the worthless blind guy. His name isn’t Judas; it’s Indigo. And he knows at least eighty different ways to kill you and your men. If you’re smart, you’ll give up your boss’s name and turn yourself in before anybody else gets hurt. Work a deal with Levi. Maybe he’ll be in a jolly mood and get you into witness protection.”

The Doctor growled in anger and frustration; He wasn’t used to people not quivering with fear in front of him. With stealth in his swagger, he walked over to where Clay and Levi dangled in the air, locked in their hell with sturdy chains. He ripped a piece of Clay’s shirt off and then did the same to Levi. Handing them to Austin, he said, “Better yet, bring all of them to me here. Use the cuts from their shirts as proof we have them and I think they’ll come willingly. Once they are here, I’m going to make some grown men cry.”