Page 20 of Xposed

He’d barely gotten the words out of his mouth when he heard Levi punch in the security code and walk in. “Fuck me, Judas. You failed to mention that the guy you were planning on tying to your bed was a fucking giant. No wonder you were desperate for help.”

The jackass kept talking but Indi wasn’t listening. He was picturing Clay in his mind, lying on his floor, looking so fucking innocent, lost in the deepest of sleep, but it would only last for a short time. No, Indi didn’t have time to dwell on that image of the man he both loved and hated. The trick he’d pulled with the Kyusho Jitsu wouldn’t last long. He and Levi needed to get Clay tied to the bed as quickly as possible. He wasn’t necessarily worried about Clay’s reaction if he woke up early and found out what Indi had done, but there were things Indi needed to say to Clay before they parted ways forever, and he’d prefer Clay not be mobile while those confessions were made. Fuck, if Clay touched him, Indi knew he’d fall apart. Tonight wasn’t the night for falling apart. He had to be strong.

“I’m never desperate, Levi,” Indi countered. “I also don’t need your opinions or smartass comments. Just help me get him to the bed. I’ll handle the rest.”

Levi started dragging Clay’s lifeless body across the living room, toward the bedroom. Clay’s head thumped against the hard floor with each tug. Indi was struggling with a mixture of glee that Clay was finally going to get his comeuppance and the thoughts that he would probably have a vicious headache when this ordeal was over. The fact was that Indi really wanted to hate Clay, but it was damn difficult. He had no fucking clue why it was difficult. Nevertheless, it was.

“Quit standing there and doing absolutely nothing!” Levi barked irritably. “At least help me hoist his body on the bed. That’s where you decided you wanted him, right?

“That’s exactly where I want him,” Indi answered as he slowly made his way toward the bedroom door, touching familiar pieces of furniture to help him with the movements. Sky whined because she wanted to help, but Indi gave her a command to hush. The last thing he needed was to feel completely helpless on this night. Levi lifted Clay’s upper body and Indi took the simpler job of his lower half.

“You want him naked?” Levi asked in the most casual of voices, like what they were doing wasn’t illegal and unethical.

“Yes,” Indi answered. He wanted Clay to be as humiliated as he’d been over the past few months. It was no less than the man deserved. Sure, they’d both made horrible decisions, but Indi felt confident that what Clay had done, with all his lies and deceit, ranked much higher on the motherfucker list than anything Indi had even considered doing. “I want him naked and vulnerable…just the way he made me feel.”

Levi arched his brow but didn’t say anything, just kept tying the ropes tightly against Clay’s wrists and the metal bedpost. He didn’t suppose it was his place to judge what happened between Indi and Clay. They were both grown men who lied to each other. It would be incredibly difficult for Levi to try and pick a side between the two. “Okay, he’s tied. What’s next”?

“Get out,” Indi growled. If only this could be the real thing—Clay caring for him as much as he cared for Clay. But it wasn’t. It was an ugly lie that had to end…even if it might be the end of Indi.

Indi waited. There was nothing but an eerie silence to greet his ears. Levi had left the bedroom and was doing whatever it was Levi did while overseeing an abduction. Indi was left in nothing but darkness and quietness.

And shame.

“How’s it feel, Clay?” Indi snarled the moment he noticed that Clay was really awake, but still trying to convince Indi he was a non-threat. They’d been trained for those tactics, he and Clay, alongside their teammates at Freedom. Indi might not be able to see the change in Clay’s breathing or the slight rustle of his hands as he checked the restraints, but Indi could sure fucking hear it. Sadly, there wasn’t an uptick to Clay’s heartbeat to indicate he was scared or the least bit nervous. He clearly already knew who his captor was and didn’t consider Indigo to be any type of threat to him.

Little did he know. Humiliation could cause a man to do many things he wouldn’t normally consider. Not only was he considering evil acts to commit against Clay; Indi planned on enjoying every second of it.

The fucker had lied to him for months. Used Indi’s body when it had to have sickened him—anything for the team, right? Fuck Clay and fuck the entire team. When Indi had left the first time, he’d ghosted them. This time he’d say his goodbyes in a way that made it perfectly clear he didn’t want or need them interfering with his life.