Page 58 of Devoted to You

“Yes, she arrived this morning.”

“Is she alright? She isn’t hurt in any way, is she?” Aidan grew worried at the farmer’s hesitation.

“She is a tad upset, sir,” the man replied, thoroughly confused upon seeing the assorted people gathered in the bedchamber.

“Come and join in,” Jerry drawled. “I am Jerry Quigley-Myers, his brother. This is Aidan, the master of the house.” He quickly introduced Rollo, Mrs Kempton, and a now awed Aggy, and settled back to lean his shoulders against the wall, and watch his brother at work.

“I am afraid Petal may have gotten hold of the wrong end of the stick this morning about something,” Aidan warned him. “I intend to put that right.”

“Oh? What happened?”

Aidan considered the man’s size, but knew there was no beating about the bush. If he wanted the man to understand, he had to take a chance and te

ll him everything. This was, after all, his future father-in-law. For the sake of family harmony there could be no secrets between them.

With this in mind, he told them all about Edwards, and her recent schemes.

The tension within the room thickened as the man’s face grew darker, and infinitely more menacing.

“What do you plan to do about it?” the farmer challenged.

“What do I call you?” Aidan asked instead.

“Leonard Biddeham, is my name.”

“Well, Mr Biddeham -” He stopped when the farmer lifted a steady hand.

“Everyone calls me Leonard.”

Heaving a mental sigh of relief that his honesty had garnered the man’s help, Aidan nodded.

“Well, Leonard, please call me Aidan. I have to advise you that I want Petal back.”

“She doesn’t want to work here anymore. I just called by to tell you that she won’t be returning to her job.”

“She has to come back,” Aidan replied crisply. “This house cannot operate without her.”

Leonard looked completely unconcerned. “It has to. She was upset when she got to me and is adamant she doesn’t want to come here again.”

“Well, she is going to have to,” Aidan reported. “She doesn’t get a choice in the matter.”

Leonard straightened. “You cannot tell her what to do. She doesn’t work for you now. I just came to say that she won’t be back. You can keep her pay in respect of the fact she hasn’t worked any notice. If Petal says she won’t be back, then she won’t be back, and that is the end of the matter.”

“Petal is at your farmhouse, I take it?”

“Yes,” Leonard scowled at him in warning.

“Then I wish to speak with her. If she doesn't come to me, then I will go to her. Either way, I must talk to her, but I need your help to get Petal back.”

“Oh? Why?” Leonard began to look suspicious. “What do you want her for?”

“I have recently been recovering from a carriage accident and am not as fast on my feet as I used to be. Petal used to read to me, and she has yet to finish the book we have been reading. Not only that but she has become such an integral part of my life that I just cannot function without her. She has to come back, and I think I have the perfect new role for her to fulfil - if I can persuade her to give me another chance.”

“Oh? What’s this new role then?” Leonard asked. His face was alive with curiosity.

“With your permission, sir, I should like to ask Petal to be my wife.”

Leonard’s jaw dropped. Not only because a member of the aristocracy wanted to marry his daughter, but the polite and deeply respectful way he had just asked for her hand in marriage was astonishing. He stared at the man before him until his brother coughed discretely to warn him he was required to answer.