Page 38 of Devoted to You

Aidan nodded. “I want you to promise that if there is anything else you will come s

traight to me and tell me about it. Anything, Petal.”

“What goes on below stairs is usually dealt with by Mrs Kempton or Rollo. If they consider it worthy of your attention, they will be the ones to bring it to your attention,” she replied with a frown.

While she didn’t want to emphasise the differences between them she knew it would be foolish not to do so.

“But this is not a typical household, Petal. You know that. I am asking you,” he leaned forward, and waited until she looked at him. “Come to me if there is anything else.”

“Why?” She whispered. “Mrs Kempton will be terribly put out with me if I do.”

“I know, but Mrs Kempton isn’t under threat from Edwards. I am not saying that Edwards is likely to spike your dinner with Laudanum, or anything. That treat is specifically for me. However, I don’t trust her at all. Just be careful,” he whispered.

“Do you think she poses a risk to me as well?” Petal asked. “Why? I have never done anything to her.”

“I think that Edwards poses a risk to everybody, Petal. That is all I am saying. Although I cannot get downstairs myself at the moment, I do want to know everything that is going on, especially if it is unusual in any way, and might involve Edwards.”

Petal nodded but sensed that he wasn't entirely honest with her. When he continued to study her rather than lean away, she waited.

“What do you think she has planned?” she asked, desperate to do something about the tension that crackled between them.

Rather than answer her, he carefully stood and moved toward her, and bent down until she had to tip her head back to look up at him. So very gently, he placed his lips upon hers. The kiss was just the faintest of brushes, but it branded her. It scored her very soul.

She knew then that he remembered everything they had shared last night.

“Petal,” Aidan whispered having completely forgotten about the book on her lap.

“Aidan,” she replied, unsure what to say. Her heart was heavy as she waited.

“Tell me what happened last night.” His voice was part plea, part command.

“It was nothing really,” she replied, determined not to shed the tears that had threatened to overspill. “You were nonsensical. You kept mumbling words that didn’t make much sense. I spoke to you. You answered me. Then fell asleep.”

Aidan knew from the way she kept her gaze on the floor that she was lying to him.

“That’s all that happened? You talked to me. I insisted on you calling me Aidan. Then you left?” Now that she had explained, hazy memory began to shift, and turned into reality. He could remember the soft feel of her as though it was emblazoned on his mind, and the passion they had shared. He had no doubt in his mind that he had tumbled her onto the bed.

“I am sorry if I overset you.”

“I thought you were behaving oddly, but I didn’t realise she had laced your dinner with that stuff,” Petal replied sadly.

He was at a loss to know how to comfort her because he wasn’t sure if she was upset by the kisses, or worried about what he would do now.

Petal turned her attention back to the book, but the words swam before her watery eyes. Thankfully, she was spared having to read any of it by the arrival of Edwards, who glared fiercely at her as she swept into the room.

“Have you returned the tray to the kitchen?” she demanded rudely.

“I don’t believe that is any of your concern, Edwards. You are here in the capacity of a nurse, are you not?” Aidan replied.

“Of course, I am,” Edwards snapped defensively.

“Then concern yourself with remaining within your remit. It is nothing to do with you,” Aidan reported coldly.

Stunned that Edwards would have the audacity to challenge the master of the house in such a way, Petal waited to see how she would take to being put very firmly in her place.

“It is important that we get you back on your feet. I am just making sure you are eating properly.” Edwards declared.

As if to prove her point she began to make the bed.