Page 17 of The Bet

When he didn’t immediately answer, she peered over her shoulder. In the gloom, it was easy to pick out two flickering lights not so very far away. She couldn’t see any people holding them. For some reason that struck fear deep into the very heart of her and that made her cling to Myles even more, especially when the faint haze of memories began to filter through to her consciousness and return to haunt her with startling clarity.

“What do they want?” she gulped.

When she couldn’t stand the sight of them a moment longer, she forced herself to tear her gaze away and focused firmly on the man who was clinging to her with equal strength. She knew he wasn’t frightened, though. Given the look on his face, he was coldly furious. “Do you know them?”

“No,” Myles replied sharply. “But I will damned well find out who they are.”

“What do they want?” Estelle asked.

“I was hoping you might be able to tell me that,” Myles replied, looking her square in the eye. “I don’t think it is me they are after, Estelle. As far as anybody in this area is concerned, I should still be in London.”

“So why are you here?” she asked, her discontent growing. “What do you mean I might be able to tell you? Are they after me?”

Myles’ sigh was heavy. He should have suspected she would barrage him with questions, but didn’t mind, really. It was reassuring that she was lucid enough to be so sharp, and may remember more details. When he looked at her, his lips curved into a wry smile.

“I am here because I got a note informing me of a family emergency that requires my presence back at home,” he replied succinctly but honestly.

“So what does that have to do with those lights?” she asked, and then squinted at him. “Are they connected?”

Myles shook his head. “I doubt it.”

I hope not in any case because if they are I have an even bigger problem on my hands, he thought with a sigh.

To Estelle, he offered her a half-hearted smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I doubt they will have the audacity to come onto this land. They had better not, or I shall have them arrested for trespassing, fog or not.”

“Why would you think they are after me?” Estelle asked. She tried to stop herself from looking in the direction of the lights again but her gaze was drawn back to them anyway. To her dismay, there was no sign of them now.

“They have gone,” she announced weakly.

Estelle turned her attention to Myles, and studied him more closely. The memory of their first meeting on the clifftop suddenly swept forward, as though carried on a wave of determination to be remembered. He had been just as handsome then. Now, the sharp blade of his jaw only emphasised his good looks. She hadn’t noticed before but every time he smiled, small dimples appeared on either side of his mouth that really were quite charming. At the moment, though, his face was carrying an almost menacing scowl.

“They appeared out of the woods while I was helping you to my curricle,” he explained. “I think they were the people who were chasing you.”

“Who are they?” she asked. “What would they want with me?”

“Can you remember anything about them at all?” She tried to think but became unnerved and swiftly blocked out the haunting imagines that began to appear out of the darkest recesses of her mind. Aware that Myles was looking at her, she shook her head but then felt guilty for having lied to him. Eventually, she sighed.

“They were cloaked figures,” she explained reluctantly. Even saying the words scared her. Surprisingly, Myles didn’t appear concerned. “Are they likely to be villagers?”

“I don’t know. Not yet, but I will find out who they are and what they think they are doing chasing women through woods. Moreover, why they have seen fit to follow me home when I have expressly told them that this is private land,” he muttered.

Their conversation was interrupted by their arrival at the hall.

“Stay here. I will shout for Cranbury.”

Estelle had no idea who Cranbury was and so remained silent while Myles clambered down from the curricle and headed straight for the front door of the huge house. Warily, she kept her gaze on the spot where she had seen the lights, and prayed she wouldn’t see them again.


“I can walk, you know,” she murmured when Myles swept her off the bench seat, high into his arms.

Myles shook his head and turned toward the house. “Not until we have assessed your injuries, and especially when your feet hurt. You have had a fright and could be carrying all sorts of injuries you don’t know about yet. Just stay still.”

With that, he stalked swiftly into the house. Curious, Estelle remained quiet and clung to his broad shoulders as she studied the huge hallway they entered. Her gaze fell on a resplendent butler who closed the door behind them and came to join them, his shocked gaze scouring her from head to toe.

“Sir?” the man asked.

“Cranbury, send Chalmers to put the curricle away. Tell him to make sure he has Bert with him and that they are armed. Someone is lurking around outside; several figures in hoods from the look of it.” He ignored Cranbury’s astonished look and stalked toward the stairs without a backward look. “Send Mable up. I need her help.”