Her pace didn’t slow, even when she was three streets away. She kept running until her legs ached, her knees began to tremble, and her lungs threatened to burst. Still, she didn’t slow her pace. She daren’t. To do so would mean certain death she just knew it. After the horror of what had happened in the graveyard, she had a burning need to put as much distance between them as possible and wasted no time in doing so.

As soon as he was able, Joe moved to run alongside her.

“There is a path on the left up ahead. Go through the metal gates. The carriage can’t get through it,” he gasped, his lungs burning.

He knew where they were now. They were close to the safe house, and would soon be able to call upon the Star Elite’s many reinforcements.

“I have to stop,” Marguerite gasped suddenly. She slammed to a stop and bent over at the waist while she tried to regain her breath. The world was starting to swirl around her. She was going to fall over if she kept pushing. She couldn’t quite remember when she had last eaten, and it had left her weakened and drained of energy.

“Let’s go over to the bandstand,” Joe suggested as he studied the area. “We can stop there for a moment. We don’t have long to go now.”

If he had been on his own, he would have kept going and rested once he was safe but with Marguerite, who was more used to parlour teas and ballrooms, he couldn’t push her for much longer. They were lucky they had managed to cover as much distance as they had.

Marguerite felt vulnerable where they were. She was still panting but struggled to stand still long enough to get proper rest.

“I want to leave here,” she whispered.

“If you are sure you can manage,” Joe replied with a sigh of relief. “If we go to the right at the end of the park, we will be on the main road. We can catch a carriage from there as long as we are careful. If I am honest, I don’t feel comfortable staying here any longer than we absolutely had to.”

He was relatively certain they had avoided being followed but had thought that before when he had been carefully guided toward the cemetery. He wasn’t about to make that same mistake again. While he would have preferred to get to the proper safe house, whatever was nearest would have to do. With that in mind, he altered course slightly and escorted her out of the park.

A tense and watchful silence settled between them as they made their way to their new destination and didn’t ease until Joe carefully closed the door to the hired carriage and settled back against the seat.

Joe wiped a weary hand down his face as he contemplated just how close they had come to total disaster. They had passed through the cemetery by more luck than judgement. To outrun Sayers’ men was a miracle, especially with Marguerite by his side. Deep inside he wondered if they were being set up again but couldn’t see how given that they had left the crook and his cohorts several miles away. For now, he had to assume they were safe.

Marguerite studied him. There could be no doubt he had saved her life. However, there could also be no doubt that by thwarting Sayers as they had, the crook was likely to be even more determined to get his hands on her. Heaven only knew where her father was. It was obvious to her now that the only man she could rely on to stay alive was Joe. It was an awkward situation, not aided by the fact that she was drawn to him in a way that was entirely feminine and personal.

“Where are we going?” she asked quietly.

“To a safe house,” Joe replied. “Do you have the small gun?”

Marguerite handed it to him.

“Where is that?” she persisted, not liking how evasive he was being. “The safe house, I mean.”

“Across town, well away from Sayers’ patch,” Joe replied.

“Do you think my father is with Sayers??

?? she asked quietly. Inside, she was dreading his answer.

Joe sighed. He had to be honest with her, even though his answer might upset her.

“Until we have proof to the contrary, I think it is safe to assume he has.” He hated to say until they had found a dead body but knew she read it on his face when she immediately blanched.

Joe leaned back in his seat and crossed his legs in a casual pose that hid the tension thrumming through him.

“What I want to know is why Sayers is so desperate to get his hands on you. I mean, if he does have your father for some reason, why does he then need you? He seems awfully determined, especially if you had only just met last night as you claimed.”

Marguerite squinted at him. “You still doubt me?”

“I have to,” he replied. “It is wise to doubt everybody right now.”

“Including me.” It wasn’t a question.

He nodded. “Including you.”

“So why have you kissed me then?” she challenged.