The reluctance in his voice at the mention of leaving her was thrilling. She worked hard to prevent the soft smile of satisfaction from curving her lips but it was there and came straight from her heart. Awed at the thought that this man might feel something for her in return, Rose meekly nodded and watched him ride away, this time a little more contentedly. After that kiss she was happy to do whatever he wanted. Her smile still curved her lips when she climbed over the gate at the end of the field and quickly changed her torn breeches. When she was suitably covered, she sat down to wait for him to return to her.

“Barnaby,” she whispered as she touched her tingling lips with gentle fingers.

The gentle sounds of nature all around her were the only noises that interrupted the silence. It gave her the opportunity she needed to gather her thoughts and emotions and contemplate what had happened. Suddenly, the distant sound of horses’ hooves began to infiltrate the bird-song and discordant rustling of leaves in the trees. She frowned and immediately looked at the spot where she had last seen Barnaby but there was no sign of him. Her heart began to increase in tempo as she stood and scoured the surrounding fields.

“Barnaby, where are you?” she whispered when she caught sight of several riders travelling along what she suspected was a lane three fields away.

Thankfully, at that moment Barnaby reappeared

with a second horse in tow. Rose waved at him and pointed to the riders who were, thankfully, heading toward the small village on the horizon and riding away from them.

“Who are they?” she whispered when Barnaby handed her an armful of clothing and dismounted.

Barnaby studied the riders and suspected they were Chadwick’s men. He tried not to show any trace of emotion and shook his head unconcernedly at her.

“I don’t know but we are going to avoid them.” Barnaby looked her up and down, his gaze lingering only fractionally on the deep shadow of her surprisingly buxom cleavage barely hidden by the straining laces of her shirt. “Please get covered up.”

His voice was part-plea, part-scolding. Helpfully, he held out a large cloak for her to wear. Thankfully, Rose quickly put it on. He knew she had missed the true reason behind his request, but Barnaby didn’t explain. He was just grateful she was now engulfed in the billowing material of the heavy cloak the farmer had given him and her delectable curves were hidden from view.

Once he had tugged his cloak over his clean, white shirt, Barnaby turned his attention back to the men on the road. There were five of them; one of which was undoubtedly Chadwick. They were searching the area as they travelled but had yet to look behind them. Barnaby knew it was only a matter of time before they did, and would invariably see both him and Rose.

“We need to get out of sight,” Barnaby sighed, nudging her behind a hedge. “Here, put this on.”

Before Rose could see what he had in his hand, Barnaby placed a flat cap on her head. “Tuck your hair up into it so nobody can see how long it is,” he ordered. When he was satisfied that she was as disguised, Barnaby nodded to their horses. “Let’s go.”

Later that morning, Barnaby and Rose finally reached Portsmouth. Rose didn’t know whether she should weep or shout for joy. Exhaustion pulled at her, urging her to rest her head for a while but she knew she couldn’t settle. They still weren’t safe. Strangely, she took no comfort in watching the people travelling up and down the busy main street. Having people around was more of a threat now she didn’t know who she should trust. The longer she and Barnaby stood hidden in the trees watching people go about their business, the more Rose found herself studying each person in turn, desperately searching for Chadwick.

“Wait here,” Barnaby murmured.

“You can’t leave me here,” Rose protested. Her horrified gaze flicked nervously around the trees. “Where are you going? Why can’t I come?”

“I need to make contact with my colleagues. It is best if you are not with me. As soon as I have them as back-up we can get you to the safe house.”

Rose stared at him in dismay. “I am not going to stay here alone.”

“You must,” Barnaby persisted. “I need to take a look around for Chadwick and his men before you wander in there.” Barnaby recognised that mulish look on her face and sighed. “Look, Chadwick is aware that there are two of us. He isn’t going to be looking for me riding alone.” He nodded to the main thoroughfare up ahead. “Look at those people, Rose. There are at least five lone riders. Nobody will pay the slightest bit of attention to me. I can blend in with everyone else, and be in and out of town without them even realising I have been there.”

Rose knew he was right but refused to accept his plan as being anything but ridiculously foolish.

“I won’t be long. Stay here and keep out of sight of the main road. I will be back as soon as I can, but will keep my cloak hood off so you know it is me. Don’t be surprised if I have someone else with me. It will be one of my colleagues.”

“But-” Rose began only to close her mouth with a snap when Barnaby abruptly left the trees and headed toward the road. She watched him go, a tight knot of nervous tension growing increasingly harder in her stomach the further he went. She had no idea what had gotten over her because the last time Barnaby had left her she had been almost glad to see him go. Well, not really, but she didn’t have this stark, unnerved feeling she had now. It was as though some invisible hand was warning her she wasn’t as safe as she thought she was. Glancing warily around the trees she neither saw nor heard anything but she knew deep down inside that something was amiss.

It was still a shock when she suddenly had a hard hand clamp firmly over her mouth and she was yanked unceremoniously off her feet. Her eyes widened. Her gaze flew to Barnaby’s broad back visible in the far distance. Unable to scream for his help she watched him move through the gate and out onto the main street, completely unaware that something had gone wrong. Rose kept her gaze locked on him and knew that she wasn’t likely to see him again.

Lifted effortlessly off her feet, she kicked out into the air before her and clawed desperately at the unrelenting hands holding her in a desperate attempt to break free. Panic began to build at the unfamiliar scent of the hand covering her mouth and nose. Even breathing became an impossible fete, but the strength to live and see Barnaby again was strong and she fought for her life with everything she had. However, her will was no match for the strength of the burly man behind her. In spite of her protests, he continued unabated and dragged her into the depths of the woods without hesitation. The scent of damp permeated the meagre air she did manage to breathe in through the man’s grimy fingers. While she tugged as hard as she could, she couldn’t get those fingers to ease their pressure enough for her to take a deep breath of much needed air. The world began to swirl alarmingly but, desperate to gain some freedom, Rose continued to fight. Kicking backward she realised then that her height could prove an advantage. Balling her fist tightly she swung her hand backward and thumped the man behind her in the crotch with as much force as she could muster. His soulful groan of pain was like nectar to her ears, and his hold immediately released rendering her able to breathe again. Sucking in deep breaths of much needed air, Rose paused for a moment, eyeing the open field mere feet before her.

Before she could take a step toward freedom, pain exploded in the back of her head and the world went black.

“Thank God you are here,” Barnaby growled as he stalked into the study of the safe house. The sight of Ben, Reg and Ryan seated in various positions around the room was immensely reassuring.

Ryan stood and moved around the desk he had been sitting at. Striding forward he pumped Barnaby’s hand enthusiastically, a broad smile of welcome on his face. Reg grinned at him and poured him a stiff brandy.

“I can’t,” Barnaby murmured reluctantly waving it away. “I need your help.”

“Oh-ho,” Ryan sighed as he pushed to his feet. He eyed Barnaby up and down and lifted his brows. “Trouble brewing?”

“It’s brewed,” Barnaby replied, aware of the expectant silence that fell. “Chadwick and his gang are here.”