“It is, or was. We are on to him now, though,” he assured her.

“Who is this ‘we’?” Before Barnaby could reply, she pointed to the road behind them. “That Chadwick man is working for Terrence Sayers?”

Barnaby nodded. “Yes. That is one of his associates; close friends, if you like. His name is Albert Chadwick. His brother was recently arrested for murder, forgery, and trading stolen goods, theft, blackmail, attempted murder-”

“Good Lord,” she whispered when Barnaby didn’t seem inclined to stop recounting Chadwick’s list of crimes. “If Chadwick is just a lackey, what on earth is this Terrence Sayers like?”

She wished she had kept her mouth shut when Barnaby looked her square in the eye.

“Worse. People who come into contact with Sayers generally don’t live long enough to tell anyone what he looks like,” Barnaby sighed. “It is why we have found him so damnably difficult to find.”

“Who is this ‘we’?” she asked again.

“The people I work with,” he replied blandly.

“Just who on earth are you, Barnaby?” she asked. All sorts of thoughts and ideas were flowing through her mind. She wasn’t sure where

to start with it all; or what to think about anything but had to keep asking questions to stop herself from going stark raving mad.

“I am someone who can get you out of this mess,” Barnaby said. “But you need to stay with me.”

“I want to go home,” she replied. “You cannot just kidnap me and expect me to go anywhere with you. Why, we are unchaperoned. What will people think if they see us? The closer we get to where I live, someone I know will be sure to recognise me. I will be ruined.”

Barnaby mentally swore. “Do you know what has happened this evening?” he demanded. He was reaffirming just how much danger they faced and all she could be concerned about was her ruined reputation!

If that isn’t just like a woman, he thought snidely and issued her with a look of disgust that made her brows lift.

“Of course I do,” she replied snippily, tipping her nose high in the air.

Barnaby snorted. “What?”

“Pardon?” She looked at him blankly.

“What has happened?” Barnaby demanded. “I mean, to some men you might be the prize catch of the season, but I am neither desperate nor stupid enough to steal a lady right out of a ball for the world to see just because I like her. There was a reason for my actions. A very good reason as a matter of fact. Do you not remember?”

Barnaby glanced behind them and frowned at her. “It is strange, but I cannot see anyone chasing after you to retrieve you from my dastardly clutches. Where are your relatives, I wonder? Did you say that your parents were at that ball? They don’t seem all that bothered that you have gone.”

When she fell silent, he glanced at her and immediately felt like an eel when he saw the hurt on her face she couldn’t quite hide. He knew then that the lady had a few secrets of her own and, if he had any chance of surviving this time with her, he had to discover what they were.


“I am sorry,” he said. “That was rude of me.”

“My parents were chatting with friends,” she replied quietly. “They were also in their cups.”

There was something in the tone of her voice that warned him it was a regular occurrence. A slight hint of disapproval maybe or a faint warning of unspoken censure. Whatever it was, Barnaby knew he had touched on a sore subject.

“Do they do that often?” Barnaby asked. “Drink?”

If they were drunk, it would be some time before they sobered up enough to realise Rose had disappeared. While that served Barnaby’s purposes perfectly, it didn’t bode well for Rose’s lifestyle.

“Often enough for them to be an embarrassment.”

The bitterness in her voice drew a startled look from him. He suspected they were drunkards although didn’t ask. It really wasn’t his concern. Whatever problems Rose had back at home she would be able to deal with when she returned – whenever that would be.

“They drink a lot then?” Barnaby snorted. “Everyone in there drank copious amounts, Rose. Your parents aren’t alone.”

“Unfortunately, my parents have taken to behaving like it at home as well.” She sighed and glanced at him. She had no idea why she was telling him all of this but now she had started it was impossible to stem the flow of words. “They aren’t likely to notice I have gone for several days if they return home and carry on drinking like they usually do.”